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Barksdale是一家通过ISO 9001认证的工业应用控制类产品制造商,公司专攻流体控制与检测领域。作为位于美国康乃迪克洲斯坦福市Crane Co.的一个子公司,我们在拥有大型公司所具备的财力资源的同时,又能够保持这个规模的公司所特有的合伙企业的灵活性。Barksdale 1949年成立于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市,在德国Reichelsheim拥有生产工厂,经销商遍布各地。Barksdale is an ISO 9001:2015 registered manufacturer of controls for industrial applications, specializing in the control and measurement of fluids. Barksdale is also IATF 16949:2016 certified for the automotive industry and ISO 14001:2015 certified for effective environmental management systems (EMS). As a subsidiary of Crane Co., Stamford, CT, we have the financial resources of a large company, while our size allows individual customer partnerships. Founded in 1949, we are based in Los Angeles, CA, have a manufacturing facility in Reichelsheim, Germany and distributors around the world.
美国德纳科Dynalco公司设计和制造高度工程坚固,可靠的,第三方的监测,控制和往复式发动机,蒸汽涡轮机,燃气涡轮机,泵和输送系统的保护认证仪表。我们为一个在石油和天然气,化工/过程,建筑业及越野设备,交通运输,发电,船舶,采矿,水和废水市场的客户和工厂自动化等。Dynalco designs and manufactures highly engineered rugged, reliable, 3rd party certified instumentation for monitoring, control and protection of reciprocating engines, steam turbines, gas turbines, pumps and conveying systems. We serve a variety of customers in the Oil and Gas, Chemical/Process, Contruction and off-road equipment, Transportation, Power Generation, Marine, Mining, Water and Waste Water and Factory Automation Markets.

Barksdale Control Products