Barksdale BDS3000电子双压差开关带IO连接选项的电子双压差开关
BDS3000 Electronic Dual Differential Pressure Switch
Electronic Dual Differential Pressure Switch with IO-Link Option
BDS3000 Description
Barksdale BDS3000现在有IO链接选项!BDS3000是一种电子差压开关,用于过滤系统的应用,其压差范围为500 PSID,公压为2500磅/英寸。变送器功能通过提供0至10V DC和4至20mA的模拟输出信号提供,必要时可现场选择。在安装过程中,可以将满量程输出调整到低至25%的FSO,从而使其具有更大的灵活性,减少了需要存储多个压力范围的需要。大的14段LED角显示器是美观的,并允许从多个角度清晰可读的过程压力。安装孔是内置的,使其更容易安装在不同的方向,以满足您的系统需要。即使该装置必须倒置安装,内部软件也能将其显示器旋转180°。此外,320°可旋转的电气连接和显示外壳使安装单元非常简单,有助于降低安装成本,从而实现安装方法和位置的多功能性。强大的电磁干扰保护允许稳定的输出在今天的工厂,电动势和大功率对讲机和VFD的存在。此外,IP67等级的外壳使该装置适用于潮湿的环境,甚至完全浸没。带有IO Link的BDS3000结合了巴克斯代尔的核心技术产品专长和定制能力,以及IO Link的前瞻性通信协议,支持工业4.0,这是工业市场的关键愿景之一。

Barsdakle BDS3000电子双压差开关带IO连接选项的电子双压差开关
BDS3000 Electronic Dual Differential Pressure Switch Electronic Dual Differential Pressure Switch with IO-Link Option
Barksdale BDS3000 now with IO-Link option! BDS3000 is an electronic differential pressure switch was built for filtration systems applications with differential pressure ranges that vary up to 500 psid and with a maximum common pressure of 2,500 psi.Transmitter functionality is offered via supplying analogue output signals 0 to 10V DC and 4 to 20mA, and is field selectable if needed. The full scale output can be adjusted to as low as 25% of FSO during installation enabling more flexibility, reducing the need to stock multiple pressure ranges.
The large 14 segment LED angled display is aesthetically pleasing and allows clear readability of the process pressure from multiple viewing angles. Mounting holes are built-in, making it easier to install in various orientations to fit your system needs. Even if the unit must be mounted upside down, the internal software is capable of rotating its display 180°. Plus, the 320° rotatable electrical connection and display housing makes installing the unit very simple, helping reduce installation costs allowing for versatility of installation method and location. Robust EMI protection allows for stable output in today’s factories where EMF and high powered walkie-talkies and VFD’s are present. Additionally, the IP67 class rated housing makes this unit suitable for the wettest of environments, and even full submersion.BDS3000 with IO-Link combines Barksdale’s core strength of technical product expertise and customization capabilities with the forward looking communication protocol of IO-Link, supporting Industry 4.0, one of the key visions in the global industrial market.

Pressure control for:
Machine tool industry
Factory Automation
Lubrication monitoring
Pumps and compressors
IO Device Description look up: IODD Finder
Measuring range: differential: 0 - 500 psid
Enclosure Rating: Type 4X (IP65) / Type 6 (IP67)
Two switch points
0.50% accuracy
Analog output 4 - 20 mA or 0 - 10 V
Superior EMI protection
Display & electronic connection: rotatable by 320°
Simple navigation menu
IO-Link digital communication interface
Suitable for rapid cycling applications
Hydraulic and pneumatic compatible
BDS3000 Datasheet
Operating Manuals
Manual for BDS3000