GF Valves and Actuation
GF管路系统简介 - 乔治费歇尔管路系统
对于我们的工业客户来说,流程的效率、质量和安全至关重要。我们为各种工业应用提供可靠耐用的管路系统以满足这些要求:从输送压缩空气、气体、饮用水、实验室用水及腐蚀性液体到化学品定量供应装置、生物反应器及复杂的冷却和采暖系统 – 我们都有正确的解决方案和产品。GF管路系统是GF集团三大核心业务之一,是管路系统供应商。客户信赖我们的市场知识和创新型解决方案,产品系列主要包括应用于工业、建筑技术及水气市政设施中的管材、管件、阀门和相应的自动化及连接技术。我们不仅拥有 6 万多种优质产品,还可以根据客户需求定制管路系统,用于水处理和水分配以及工业液体和气体安全输送。我们的业务主要涵盖水循环应用,例如水气市政设施、水处理、建筑技术、能源、船舶、化工行业、微电子、食品及饮料制冷。
- GF Valves and Actuation阀门和执行器
手动、电动和气动 2 路和 3路球阀采用顶级的全功能模块化设计。 |
手动和气动隔膜阀具有流动几何结构。 |
Manual, electric and pneumatic butterfly valves with double eccentric operating principle.手动、电动、气动双偏心蝶阀。 |
对夹式止回阀、锥形止回阀和角座止回阀具有高度的工艺可靠性。 |
Venting & bleed valves ensure complete and reliable venting of the pipe system.排气和放气阀确保管道系统完全可靠地排气。 |
压力控制阀 (PRV)
Pressure retaining and pressure reducing valves control the line pressure without additional energy.保压阀和减压阀控制管路压力,而无需额外能源。 |
水射流抽吸泵、量规保护装置、浮阀和节流阀可以与管路系统进行互补。 |
过滤器可以过滤污染物保护管路系统并确保可靠运行。 |
电磁阀用一种简单、安全和经济的方式调节液体和气体。 |
专门为建筑技术应用而设计的阀门确保一个系统解决方案的完整性。 |
Manual Ball Valves手动球阀
Electrically Actuated Valves电动阀 |
Type 546 Pro Ball Valve |
Type 104 Electrically Actuated Ball Valves |
Type 543 3-Way Ball Valve |
Type 107 Electrically Actuated Ball Valve |
Type 375 Ball Valve |
Type 125-128 Electricall Actuated 3-way Ball Valve |
Type 523 Metering Ball Valve |
Type 127 Electrically Actuated Ball Valve |
Type 324 Ball Valve |
Type 145-147 Electrically Actuated Butterfly Valve |
Type 353/355 COLORO Ball Valve |
Type 167-170 Electrically Actuated 3-way Ball Valve |
5-Series Ball Valve Label |
Type 179-184 Electrically Actuated Ball Valve |
Manual Butterfly Valves 手动蝶阀
Electric Actuators电动执行机构 |
Type 563 Aqua Wafer Style Butterfly Valve |
Type EA11 Electric Actuator |
Type 567 Wafer Style Butterfly Valve |
Type EA15 Electric Actuator |
Type 578 Lug Style Butterfly Valve |
Type EA25/45/120/250 Electric Actuator |
Type 365 Lug Style Butterfly Valve |
Type 065 Lug Style Butterfly Valve |
Manual Diaphragm Valves手动隔膜阀
Pneumatically Actuated Valves气动阀门 |
5-Series Diaphragm Valve |
5-Series DIASTAR Pneumatically Actuated Diaphragm Valves |
Type 317 Diaphragm Valve |
Type 604/605 Pneumatically Actuated Dosing Valve |
Type 230/233 Pneumatically Actuated Ball Valve |
Type 240-244 Pneumatically Actuated Butterfly Valves |
Type 285/288 Pneumatically Actuated 3-Way Ball Valves |
Check Valves and Strainers 止回阀和过滤器 |
Pneumatic Actuators气动执行机构 |
Type 369 Wafer Check Valve |
Type PA11/21 Pneumatic Actuators |
Type 561/562 Check Valve |
Type PA30/90 Pneumatic Actuators |
Type 303/304 Angle Seat Check Valve |
Type 305/306 Line Strainers |
Needle Valves针型阀
JRG Brass Valves JRG黄铜阀门 |
Type 522 Needle Valve |
Pressure Reducing Valve |
Thermostatic Balancing Valve |
Thermostatic Mixing Valve |
Pressure Regulating Valves压力调节阀
Type 582/586 Pressure Retaining Valves |
V-Series Pressure Regulating Valves |
GF Valves and Actuation阀门和执行器
Manual Ball Valves
Type 546 Pro Ball Valve
Type 543 3-Way Ball Valve
Type 375 Ball Valve
Type 523 Metering Ball Valve
Type 324 Ball Valve
Type 353/355 COLORO Ball Valve
5-Series Ball Valve Label
Electrically Actuated Valves
Type 104 Electrically Actuated Ball Valves
Type 107 Electrically Actuated Ball Valve
Type 125-128 Electricall Actuated 3-way Ball Valve
Type 127 Electrically Actuated Ball Valve
Type 145-147 Electrically Actuated Butterfly Valve
Type 167-170 Electrically Actuated 3-way Ball Valve
Type 179-184 Electrically Actuated Ball Valve
Manual Butterfly Valves
Type 563 Aqua Wafer Style Butterfly Valve
Type 567 Wafer Style Butterfly Valve
Type 578 Lug Style Butterfly Valve
Type 365 Lug Style Butterfly Valve
Type 065 Lug Style Butterfly Valve
Electric Actuators
Type EA11 Electric Actuator
Type EA15 Electric Actuator
Type EA25/45/120/250 Electric Actuator
Manual Diaphragm Valves
5-Series Diaphragm Valve
Type 317 Diaphragm Valve
Pneumatically Actuated Valves
5-Series DIASTAR Pneumatically Actuated Diaphragm Valves
Type 604/605 Pneumatically Actuated Dosing Valve
Type 230/233 Pneumatically Actuated Ball Valve
Type 240-244 Pneumatically Actuated Butterfly Valves
Type 285/288 Pneumatically Actuated 3-Way Ball Valves
Check Valves and Strainers
Type 561/562 Check Valve
Type 303/304 Angle Seat Check Valve
Type 305/306 Line Strainers
Type 369 Wafer Check Valve
Pneumatic Actuators
Type PA11/21 Pneumatic Actuators
Type PA30/90 Pneumatic Actuators
Needle Valves
Type 522 Needle Valve
JRG Brass Valves
Pressure Reducing Valve
Thermostatic Balancing Valve
Thermostatic Mixing Valve
Pressure Regulating Valves
Type 582/586 Pressure Retaining Valves
V-Series Pressure Regulating Valves