

Since 2007



吸气软管Suction Hose


派克的抽吸软管种类繁多,用途广泛。它们包括创新的吸气软管解决方案,可以满足各种应用的运行需求。我们的软管在 小弯曲半径以及标准和高温应用中达到或超过行业标准。它们还具有与几乎所有工业介质一起运行的能力,并在许多主要工业市场中得到使用。Parker's extensive range of suction hoses are extremely versatile and diverse. They include innovative suction hose solutions that can meet the operation demands of a variety of applications. Our hoses meet or exceed industry standards for minimum bend radius and for standard and high temperature applications. They also have he capability to operate with nearly all industrial media and are used across many of the major industrial markets.


WILDCATTER 油田石油输送吸管,系列7216E
Wildcatter油田石油运输吸管设计用于在温度为180°F和150 psi的应用中输送和转移石油和精制燃料,系列7216E


蓝色THUNDER 大直径UHMWPE波纹化学吸水软管,系列7373T
Blue Thunder大口径UHMWPE波纹化学吸管设计用于将许多工业强度的酸,化学药品和溶剂转移到180°F和200 psi的应用中,7373T系列


EZ Form GS抽吸软管,一般服务,系列7395
EZ Form GS希腊瓦楞波纹普通服务吸管是一种挠性软管,设计用于将工业和移动应用中的空气,冷却剂,轻度化学品和水输送到257°F和75 psi,7395系列


标准负载吸水软管专为在温度高达180°F和150 psi的应用中输送水而设计,系列7392E


EZ Form MP耐油挠性软管,多用途,系列7219
EZ Form MP希腊波纹多用途耐油抽吸软管是一种非常灵活的软管,设计用于在250°F和75 psi的应用中进行精炼燃料和机油传输,系列7219




DragonBreath 热空气软管专为在350°F和200 psi的干物料装载/卸载应用中的热空气输送而设计,SW360系列


ARMADA 船用多功能耐油抽吸软管,SW569系列
Armada船用多用途耐油抽吸软管设计用于船用发动机燃料的供给和排放,硬壁湿式排气以及其他在212°F和75 psi下的应用,SW569系列


TITANFLEX 食品和饮料吸水软管,SW630系列
Titanflex食品和饮料吸水软管专为将非油性饮料和食品转移至225°F和200 psi的应用而设计,SW630系列






WILDCATTER 油田热沥青软管,SW387系列
Wildcatter油田热焦油软管设计用于在350°F和150 psi的应用中转移热油和焦油,SW387系列


机油和燃油输送软管-Chemioel EN 12115
Chemioel EN 12115软管专为吸入和输送芳香族含量不超过50%的矿物油和燃料而设计。


水管-Bevera 10
Bevera 10 bar设计用于在需要使用轻巧可靠的软管时抽吸和输送水和非腐蚀性液体。


DYNAFLEX PVC透明抽吸软管,系列7570
Dynaflex PVC透明吸管设计用于在温度为140°F和115 psi的应用中转移磨料,食品颗粒,卫生产品和饮用水,7570系列


希腊有机硅波纹高温钢丝增强冷却剂软管,用于重型/大容量车辆和工业设备中的加热器和散热器系统,最高压力为75 psi和392°F,6621系列


Pumpflex PVC吸水管,PFX系列


酸和化学品输送软管-Poliax D SM EN 12115
Poliax D SM EN 12115是一种中压橡胶软管,设计用于吸取和输送侵蚀性酸和化学品,结合了使用和防护的舒适性。


北极Translite低温波纹状石油运输吸管设计用于在-67°F和150 psi的应用中抽吸,排放和转移机油和精制燃料,SWC325系列


酸和化学品输送软管-Poliax UPE CON SM EN 12115
Poliax UPE CON SM EN 12115是中压软管,由于其超高分子量Weigth聚乙烯薄膜而设计,用于抽吸和输送高腐蚀性液体。


重型沙子回收/真空软管采用3/16英寸厚的天然橡胶管,设计用于在150°F和200 psi的应用中高压输送沙子和严重磨损的材料,SW409系列


标准负载吸水软管是为7212系列的212°F和150 psi的应用中的输水设计的


饮料和食品转移软管-Gambrinus Blue 10 SM
Gambrinus Blue 10 bar SM是设计用于处理脂肪食品,牛奶的软管,适用于各种抽吸和输送应用,包括牛奶收集。


DYNAFLEX PVC透明抽吸软管,系列7564
Dynaflex PVC透明吸管设计用于在温度为140°F和120 psi的应用中转移磨料,食品颗粒,卫生产品和饮用水,7564系列




SUPER-FLEX 重型吸水软管,系列7325
Super-Flex重型吸水软管设计用于在温度为212°F和300 psi的应用中进行输水,型号7325


大直径FEP化学吸水软管设计用于将许多工业强度的酸,化学药品和溶剂转移到300°F和500 psi的应用中,SW373系列


HARVEST PLUS?抗压食品和饮料抽吸软管,SM382系列
Harvest Plus抗挤压食品和饮料抽吸软管专为将非油性食品和饮料输送至225°F和250 psi的应用而设计,SM382系列






DYNAFLEX PVC标准负压吸水软管,系列7560
Dynaflex PVC标准负压吸管设计用于在温度为140°F和120 psi的应用中转移磨料,温和化学品,浆液和水,7560系列


酸和化学品输送软管-Poliax UPE con SM OND EN 12115
Poliax UPE CON SM OND EN 12115是一种中压且非常柔软的软管,由于其超高分子量Weigth聚乙烯薄膜和波纹罩,设计用于抽吸和输送高腐蚀性液体。


SUPER-FLEX 大直径波纹真空软管,7363系列
Super-Flex大直径波纹真空软管采用3/16英寸厚的橡胶管,设计用于在160°F和100 psi的应用中转移高磨蚀性材料,7363系列




TITANFLEX 食品和饮料吸管,SW640系列
Titanflex食品和饮料抽吸软管设计用于在225°F和250 psi的应用中转移油性食品和饮料,SW640系列


多用途输送软管-EZ Form?MP
EZ Form?MP多功能耐油软管是为OEM和售后相关的多功能解决方案驱动产品而设计和制造的。


汽车冷却软管-EZ Form?GS
EZ Form?GS冷却软管设计和制造为解决方案驱动型多功能


废气和燃油管线-SM TR 311
SM TR 311专为船用排气系统和加油服务而设计。


大直径波纹材料处理/岩石粉尘软管装有一根厚橡胶管,设计用于在温度为160°F和90 psi的应用中转移岩石粉尘和其他高磨蚀性材料,7393系列


饮料和食品转移软管-Gambrinus UPE SM EN 12115
Gambrinus UPE SM EN 12115是一种中压吸排软管,设计用于处理所有饮料,动植物油脂,油脂,制药和卫生材料。


GREEN LABEL?波纹石油运输吸油软管,系列7055
绿色标签波纹油田石油运输吸管设计用于在180°F和200 psi的应用中输送,转移和运输生物柴油,石油和精制燃料,系列7705


食品和饮料抽吸软管设计用于在225°F和150 psi的应用中转移油性食品和饮料,SW430系列


DYNAFLEX PVC波纹状透明抽吸软管,系列7563
Dynaflex PVC波纹状透明抽吸软管设计用于在温度为170°F和55 psi的应用中转移磨料,食品颗粒,卫生产品和饮用水,7563系列


EZ Form HT耐高温挠性抽吸软管,系列7399
EZ Form HT希腊波纹状耐高温耐油抽吸软管是一种非常灵活,耐热的软管,设计用于将发动机应用中的热油传输至302°F和150 psi,7399系列


中压吸入和回油软管-SAE 100R4-811S
派克的中压耐弯吸和回油软管811S的等压压力为1.0 MPa,适用于所有尺寸,温度范围为-40°C至+100°C




饮料和食品转移软管-Gambrinus Red 10 SM
Gambrinus Red 10 bar SM是用于固定和移动安装的食品级啤酒和葡萄酒抽吸和传输软管。




燃油和燃油输送软管-EZ Form?HT
EZ Form HT是高温石油基吸油/回油软管,设计和制造为针对OEM和售后相关的多功能解决方案驱动产品。


用于无毒应用。适合用作牛奶罐的抽吸和输送软管。符合AS / NZS 2070标准。食物接触带有白色螺旋状。


燃油和燃油输送软管-Cervino EN 12115
Cervino EN 12115是用于矿物油和燃料的抽吸和输送橡胶软管,可在最严酷的寒冷气候条件下使用。


混凝土浇注软管设计用于在温度为150°F和800 psi的应用中转移混凝土和湿磨料,7236系列


酸和化学品输送软管-Poliax F EN 12115
Poliax F EN 12115是设计用于承受高温下极具腐蚀性和危险性的流体的软管,可最大限度地提高性能并最大程度地降低潜在风险。


酸和化学品输送软管-Poliax Pharma
Poliax Pharma是一种硅胶软软管,设计用于抽吸和输送药品和化妆品。


GOLDLABEL Jac-Riser飞机加油吸气软管,系列7777
金牌Jac-Riser飞机加油吸管设计用于在7°系列的180°F和300 psi的应用中供应和转移飞机燃料




燃油和燃油软管-鹈鹕EN 1765 S15型
Pelican是根据EN 1765 S15专门设计用于加油操作的软管。


硅酮高温钢丝增强冷却剂软管,设计用于重载/大容量车辆和工业设备中的加热器和散热器系统,适用于392°F和300 psi的应用,6623系列


过时的:饮料和食物输送软管-Gambrinus Black SM 10


已过时:物料运输输送软管-水泥SM 10


已过时:飞机加油软管-Jetcord E ISO 1825


过时的:液体气体输送软管-Robur GPL


过时的:飞机加油软管-Jetcord F ISO 1825


已过时:燃油和燃油输送软管-Oilplus 30



WILDCATTER Oilfield Petroleum Transport Suction Hose, Series 7216E
Wildcatter Oilfield Petroleum Transport Suction Hose is designed for delivery, transfer and transport of oil and refined fuels in applications to 180°F and 150 psi, Series 7216E

7 Parts

BLUE THUNDER Large Diameter UHMWPE Corrugated Chemical Suction Hose, Series 7373T
Blue Thunder Large Diameter UHMWPE Corrugated Chemical Suction Hose is designed for transfer of many industrial strength acids, chemicals and solvents in applications to 180°F and 200 psi, Series 7373T

8 Parts

E-Z Form GS Suction Hose, General Service, Series 7395
E-Z Form GS Greek Corrugated General Service Suction Hose is flexible hose designed for transfer of air, coolant, mild chemicals and water in industrial and mobile applications to 257°F and 75 psi, Series 7395

58 Parts

Standard Duty Water Suction Hose, Series 7392E
Standard Duty Water Suction Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 180°F and 150 psi, Series 7392E

6 Parts

E-Z Form MP Oil Resistant Flexible Suction Hose, Multipurpose, Series 7219
E-Z Form MP Greek Corrugated Multipurpose Oil Resistant Suction Hose is an extremely flexible hose designed for refined fuels and oil transfer in applications to 250°F and 75 psi, Series 7219

56 Parts

Oil & Fuel Transfer Hose - Carburite 10
Carburite 10 is engineered for suction and delivery of mineral oils and refined fuels (with aromatic content not exceeding 50 %)

19 Parts

Dragon Breath Hot Air Hose is designed for hot air transfer in dry material loading/unloading applications to 350°F and 200 psi, Series SW360

5 Parts

ARMADA Marine Multipurpose Oil Resistant Suction Hose, Series SW569
Armada Marine Multipurpose Oil Resistant Suction Hose is designed for marine engine fuel supply and venting, hardwall wet exhaust and other applications to 212°F and 75 psi, Series SW569

24 Parts

TITANFLEX Food and Beverage Suction Hose, Series SW630
Titanflex Food and Beverage Suction Hose is designed for transfer of non-oily beverages and food in applications to 225°F and 200 psi, Series SW630

5 Parts

Beverage & Food Transfer Hose - Aperspir
Aperspir is a suction and delivery PVC hose engineered to resist to abrasive and liquid food.

17 Parts

Clearspring Clear Suction Hose, Series HSC
Clearspring Clear/Steel Wired Reinforced Suction Hose is suitable for applications requiring continuous bending and flexing,or where a clear, heavy duty hose is needed. Ideal for food and beverage contact.

12 Parts

WILDCATTER Oilfield Hot Tar Hose, Series SW387
Wildcatter Oilfield Hot Tar Hose is designed for transfer of hot oil and tar in applications to 350°F and 150 psi, Series SW387

5 Parts

Oil & Fuel Transfer Hose - Chemioel EN 12115
Chemioel EN 12115 hose is designed for suction and delivery of mineral oils and fuels with an aromatic content not exceeding 50 %.

8 Parts

Water Hose - Bevera 10
Bevera 10 bar is engineered for suction and delivery of water and non aggressive liquids when it is necessary to have a lightweight and a reliable flexible hose.

18 Parts

DYNAFLEX PVC Clear Suction Hose, Series 7570
Dynaflex PVC Clear Suction Hose is designed for transfer of abrasives, food particulates, sanitary products and potable water in applications to 140°F and 115 psi, Series 7570

11 Parts

Silicone Greek Corrugated High Temperature Wire Reinforced Coolant Hose, Series 6621
Silicone Greek Corrugated High Temperature Wire Reinforced Coolant Hose is for use in heater and radiator systems in heavy duty/high capacity vehicles and industrial equipment to 75 psi and 392°F, Series 6621

13 Parts

Pumpflex PVC Suction Hose,Series PFX
For conveying water, other liquids and light granular materials. Suitable for agriculture and industrial applications.

4 Parts

Acid & Chemicals Transfer Hose - Poliax D SM EN 12115
Poliax D SM EN 12115 is a medium pressure rubber hose designed for suction and delivery of aggressive acids and chemicals combining comfort of use and protection.

8 Parts

ARCTIC TRANSLITE Low Temperature Corrugated Petroleum Transport Suction Hose, Series SWC325
Arctic Translite Low Temperature Corrugated Petroleum Transport Suction Hose is designed for suction, discharge and transfer oil and refined fuels in applications to -67°F and 150 psi, Series SWC325

6 Parts

Acid & Chemicals Transfer Hose - Poliax UPE CON SM EN 12115
Poliax UPE CON SM EN 12115 is a medium pressure hose designed for suction and delivery of highly aggressive fluids thanks to its Ultra High Molecular Weigth Polyethylene film.

8 Parts

Heavy Duty Sand Recovery/Vacuum Hose, Series SW409
Heavy Duty Sand Recovery/Vacuum Hose incorporates a 3/16” thick natural rubber tube and is designed for high pressure transfer of sand and severely abrasive materials in applications to 150°F and 200 psi, Series SW409

5 Parts

Standard Duty Water Suction Hose, Series 7392
Standard Duty Water Suction Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 212°F and 150 psi, Series 7392

9 Parts

Beverage & Food Transfer Hose - Gambrinus Blue 10 SM
Gambrinus Blue 10 bar SM is a hose engineered to handle fatty foods, milk in a variety of suction and delivery applications, including milk collection.

14 Parts

DYNAFLEX PVC Clear Suction Hose, Series 7564
Dynaflex PVC Clear Suction Hose is designed for transfer of abrasives, food particulates, sanitary products and potable water in applications to 140°F and 120 psi, Series 7564

9 Parts

Seedflex Suction Hose,Series SFX
Seedflex Designed to suit harsh Australian Airseeder applications.This hose has superior abrasion resistance with the advantage of being clear with white helix.Also stocked in black/clear using prefix SFX-B.

6 Parts


SUPER-FLEX Heavy Duty Water Suction Hose, Series 7325
Super-Flex Heavy Duty Water Suction Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 212°F and 300 psi, Series 7325

4 Parts

Large Diameter FEP Chemical Suction Hose, Series SW373
Large Diameter FEP Chemical Suction Hose is designed for transfer of many industrial strength acids, chemicals and solvents in applications to 300°F and 500 psi, Series SW373

6 Parts

HARVEST PLUS? Crush Resistant Food and Beverage Suction Hose, Series SM382
Harvest Plus Crush Resistant Food and Beverage Suction Hose is designed for transfer of non-oily food and beverages in applications to 225°F and 250 psi, Series SM382

5 Parts

Beverage & Food Transfer Hose - Enorex
Enorex is a food grade PVC hose designed to transfer with the utmost care wine and food liquids.

8 Parts

Ducting Hose - Aspirex
Aspirex is designed for suction of multiple different materials and for centralized suction equipment in many industries and markets.

14 Parts

DYNAFLEX PVC Standard Duty Suction Hose, Series 7560
Dynaflex PVC Standard Duty Suction Hose is designed for transfer of abrasives, mild chemicals, slurries and water in applications to 140°F and 120 psi, Series 7560

9 Parts

Acid & Chemicals Transfer Hose - Poliax UPE con SM OND EN 12115
Poliax UPE CON SM OND EN 12115 is a medium pressure and extremely flexible hose designed for suction and delivery of highly aggressive fluids thanks to its Ultra High Molecular Weigth Polyethylene film and corrugated cover.

8 Parts

SUPER-FLEX Large Diameter Corrugated Vacuum Hose, Series 7363
Super-Flex Large Diameter Corrugated Vacuum Hose incorporates a 3/16” thick rubber tube and is designed for transfer service of highly abrasive materials in applications to 160°F and 100 psi, Series 7363

5 Parts

Water Hose - Multirex
Multirex is a general medium and heavy duty PVC hose for suction and delivery of non aggressive liquids.

18 Parts

TITANFLEX Food and Beverage Suction Hose, Series SW640
Titanflex Food and Beverage Suction Hose is designed for transfer of oily food and beverages in applications to 225°F and 250 psi, Series SW640

6 Parts

Multipurpose Transfer Hose - E-Z Form? MP
E-Z Form? MP multipurpose oil resistant hose is designed and manufactured as a versatile, solution-driven product for OEM and aftermarket-related.

9 Parts

Automotive Cooling Hose - E-Z Form? GS
E-Z Form? GS cooling hose is designed and manufactured as a versatile, solution-driven
product for OEM and aftermarket-related

14 Parts

Exhaust Gas and Fuel Line - SM TR 311
SM TR 311 is designed for marine exhaust gas system and refuelling service.

6 Parts

Large Diameter Corrugated Material Handling/Rock Dust Hose, Series 7393
Large Diameter Corrugated Material Handling/Rock Dust Hose incorporates a thick rubber tube and is designed for transfer service of rock dust and other highly abrasive materials in applications to 160°F and 90 psi, Series 7393

10 Parts

Beverage & Food Transfer Hose - Gambrinus UPE SM EN 12115
Gambrinus UPE SM EN 12115 is a medium pressure suction and discharege hose designed to handle all beverages, animal or vegetable fats and oils, pharmaceutical and sanitary materials.

8 Parts

GREEN LABEL? Corrugated Petroleum Transport Suction Hose, Series 7705
Green Label Corrugated Oilfield Petroleum Transport Suction Hose is designed for delivery, transfer and transport of biodiesel, oil and refined fuels in applications to 180°F and 200 psi, Series 7705

7 Parts

Food and Beverage Suction Hose, Series SW430
Food and Beverage Suction Hose is designed for transfer of oily food and beverages in applications to 225°F and 150 psi, Series SW430

5 Parts

DYNAFLEX PVC Corrugated Clear Suction Hose, Series 7563
Dynaflex PVC Corrugated Clear Suction Hose is designed for transfer of abrasives, food particulates, sanitary products and potable water in applications to 170°F and 55 psi, Series 7563

5 Parts

E-Z Form HT Flexible Resistant Suction Hose, High Temperature, Series 7399
E-Z Form HT Greek Corrugated High Temperature Oil Resistant Suction Hose is an extremely flexible, heat resistant hose designed for transfer of hot oil in engine applications to 302°F and 150 psi, Series 7399

10 Parts

Medium Pressure Suction and Return Line Hoses - SAE 100R4 - 811S
Parker's Medium Pressure No-Skive Suction and Return Line Hose 811S has been designed with an Isobaric 1.0 MPa for all sizes and a temperature range from -40°C up to +100 °C

7 Parts

Cropflex Extremely Flexible Medium Duty Hose,Series CFX
Cropflex Extremely flexible medium duty hose suitable for suction and low pressure delivery. For use on agricultural and chemical spraying equipment and also suitable for waste collection tankers and water delivery.

4 Parts

Beverage & Food Transfer Hose - Gambrinus Red 10 SM
Gambrinus Red 10 bar SM is a food grade beer and wine suction and transfer hose for fixed and mobile installation.

13 Parts

Oilflex Heavy Duty Suction Hose, Series OFX
For conveying petroleum products and derivatives, lubricating oils and various chemicals and sullage. Heavy duty oil suction blue. Made with Thermoplastic rubber for improved flexibility and durability.

3 Parts

Oil & Fuel Transfer Hose - E-Z Form? HT
E-Z Form HT is high temperature petroleum-based oil suction/return hose designed and manufactured as a versatile, solution-driven product for OEM and aftermarket-related.

5 Parts

Milkflex Food Contact Suction Hose, Series MFX
For non-toxic applications. Suitable for use as a milk tanker suction and delivery hose. Conforms to AS/NZS 2070 standards. Food contact clear with white helix.

2 Parts


Oil & Fuel Transfer Hose - Cervino EN 12115
Cervino EN 12115 is a suction and delivery rubber hose for mineral oils and fuels to be used in the harshest cold climate conditions.

4 Parts

Concrete Placement Hose, Series 7236
Concrete Placement Hose is designed for transfer of concrete and wet abrasive materials in applications to 150°F and 800 psi, Series 7236

1 Part

Acid & Chemicals Transfer Hose - Poliax F EN 12115
Poliax F EN 12115 is a hose engineered to withstand extremely aggressive and dangerous fluids at high temperatures maximizing the performance and minimizing the potential risks.

8 Parts

Acid & Chemicals Transfer Hose - Poliax Pharma
Poliax Pharma is a silicone flexible hose engineered for suction and delivery of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.

7 Parts

GOLD LABEL Jac-Riser Aircraft Fueling Suction Hose, Series 7777
Gold Label Jac-Riser Aircraft Fueling Suction Hose is designed for supply and transfer of aircraft fuels in applications to 180°F and 300 psi, Series 7777

4 Parts

Material Handling Transfer Hose - Cergom
Cergom hose is a specialty product engineered to solve the toughest applications for abrasive material handling. Parker Patented

16 Parts

Oil & Fuel Hose - Pelican EN 1765 type S15
Pelican is a hose according to EN 1765 S15, specially designed for bunkering operations.
Pelican is tested and supplied with
Parker large bore crimped fittings to enable faster service. Not to be used with LPG and CNG.

7 Parts

Silicone High Temperature Coolant Suction Hose, Series 6623
Silicone High Temperature Wire Reinforced Coolant Hose is designed for use in heater and radiator systems in heavy duty/high capacity vehicles and industrial equipment in applications to 392°F and 300 psi, Series 6623

17 Parts

OBSOLETE: Beverage & Food Transfer Hose - Gambrinus Black SM 10
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

7 Parts

OBSOLETE: Material Handling Transfer Hose - Cement SM 10
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

6 Parts

OBSOLETE: Aircraft Refueling Hose - Jetcord E ISO 1825
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

7 Parts

OBSOLETE: Liquid Gas Transfer Hose - Robur GPL
This product is no longer available – please contact us for further assistance.

9 Parts

OBSOLETE: Aircraft Refueling Hose - Jetcord F ISO 1825
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

7 Parts

OBSOLETE: Oil & Fuel Transfer Hose - Oilplus 30
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

7 Parts



美国DMK Engineering Solutions公司
信德迈科技(北京)有限公司 CNMEC Technology

E-mail:sales@cnmec.biz fcg.cnmec@parkerdistribution.com.cn
电话:010-8428 2935, 8428 9077, 8428 3983
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