涡轮增压器型号识别和确认 |
Before ordering a replacement turbocharger it is important to identify the turbochargers part number. Many applications have several different turbocharger variations even when narrowed down to the year and engine type. Therefore the turbocharger part number should be acquired whenever possible.
Each turbocharger should have an identification plate attached to it detailing the part number and the model number. This plate is in various postitions depending on the type of turbocharger.
Garrett Turbochargers are formatted as follows:
7#####-00## or 4#####-00##
Garrett turbo part numbers are found on a small aluminium plate or etched onto a flat surface on the aluminium intake housing.
KKK Turbochargers are formatted as follows: K14 to K32 are written in full as example below:
K03 and K04 turbochargers are abbreviated on the turbocharger tag as follows:
K03-3 or K03-03 = part number 5303-970-0003
KKK turbo part numbers are placed on an auminium plate on the front or rear of the aluminium intake housing.
Holset Turbochargers are formatted:
Holset Part numbers are place on an aluminium tag close to the air outlet of the compressor housing.
Mitsubishi or MHI Turbochargers are formatted:
Mistsbishi turbochargers have the part number made up of a combination of cast and stamped numbers on the aluminium intake housing. Some mitsubishi turbochargers such as those fitted to Saab and Volvo may have an aluminium plate riveted onto the air intake housing instead.