Parker EO2-FORM 型接头
Parker EO2-FORM 是派克新一代高压成型管件产品,其特点是在EO-2 弹性密封的基础上,又采用冷成型工艺,极大地增强了连接刚度,降低了预装力矩。高温或者腐蚀介质时,使用FKM 氟橡胶密封件。在一些应用场合如液压机,起重机,升降机,或者船用水闸等,卡套式接头并未被广泛接受。相比于焊接接头,派克EO2-FORM 加工更便捷快速,不需要对钢管进行特殊的处理,热处理或者化学处理。EO2-FORM 符合ISO8434-1/DIN 2353,适用于公制钢管,能够与EO 产品完全互换。EO2-FORM 系列并不是独立的产品系列, 而是属于EO-2 系列的发展延伸,EO2-FORM 的螺母,密封圈及接头体都来自于EO-2 系列。因此客户在液压管路中同时使用这两种产品时,不需要增加库存或新的部件。客户唯一需要投资的是一台钢管成型机,但是EO2-FORM 能够大大地提高装配效率,因此大量安装时,EO2-FORM 的设备成本也相应地降低了。EO2-FORM 接头主要结构特点:
Parker EO2-FORM 接头主要结构特点:
- 弹性密封
与EO-2 一样,EO2-FORM 也使用DOZ 密封圈。如图所示,密封圈位于接头体内锥和管子外壁之间,堵住了接头唯一的泄漏通道。该弹性密封形式,能够有效地补偿机械加工带来的误差。这样的密封结构,即使在高压工况下也同样具有极为理想的密封效果。重载下工作多年,也无需重新拧紧。
- 钢管成型
EO2-FORM 使用钢管成型机对钢管进行加工。设备操作和模具调试简便快速。钢管连接也非常方便,套上密封圈,拧紧螺母即可。
- 装配定位
钢管成型后,隆起的成型表面提供了与EO-2 类似的金属定位功能,用于接头装配时的轴向定位,从而避免了发生过拧紧,使硫化在定位环上的橡胶密封件弹性失效造成泄漏。
- 系统优化
不必在EO-2 产品系列以外增加额外的产品种类和库存。安装参数与EO-2 类似。
- 使用灵活
EO-2 和EO2-FORM 系列产品可以用于复杂液压系统或机械设备中。其中EO2-FORM特别适用于重载工况。
- 无风险
EO2-FORM 技术是在成熟的EO-2 技术基础上发展而来的,所有的部件和安装工艺都已经经过验证。客户不必另行检测。
- 通用性
EO2-FORM 成型机可用于液压系统中所有的常规钢管(参考样本中,钢管配套要求相关章节内容)。EO2-FORM 模具可用于外径6 至42mm 的公制钢管,
壁厚达到1mm 的薄壁管也适用。
- 抗振性
EO2-FORM 成型工艺使成型钢管管壁变化平滑连续,从而提供了良好的振动阻尼。
- 高效率
与焊接相比,EO2-FORM 制作工序可以节省大量的时间,不必对钢管进行特殊的处理。成型所消耗的能源也仅是焊接的一小部分。
- 耐久性
弹性密封即使在高压下使用数年也无需重新拧紧。EO2-FORM 的连接方式可以多次拆装,也不会磨损接头内锥。
EO Metric Flareless Bite Type Fittings - View Catalog
Tube to Tube Fittings
G Straight
G Straight(Stainless)
G Straight(Brass)
W Elbow
W Elbow(Stainless)
W Elbow(Brass)
T Equal Tees
T Equal Tees(Stainless)
T Equal Tees(Brass)
K Equal Crosses
K Equal Crosses(Stainless)
Male Stud Fittings
GE-R/M Straight Male Stud
GE-R/M Straight Male Stud(Stainless)
GE-R/M Straight Male Stud(Brass)
GE-ED Str Male Stud w/ EOLASTIC Seal
GE-ED Str Male Stud w/ EOLASTIC Seal(Stainless)
GE-NPT Straight Male Stud
GE-NPT Straight Male Stud(Stainless)
GE-NPT Straight Male Stud(Brass)
GEO, GE-UNF/UN Straight Male Stud
WE-R/M Male Stud Elbow
WE-R/M Male Stud Elbow(Stainless)
WE-R/M Male Stud Elbow(Brass)
WE-NPT Male Stud Elbow
WE-NPT Male Stud Elbow(Stainless)
WE-NPT Male Stud Elbow(Brass)
Bulkhead Fittings
SV Straight Bulkhead
SV Straight Bulkhead(Stainless)
SV Straight Bulkhead(Brass)
WSV Bulkhead Elbow
WSV Bulkhead Elbow(Stainless)
WSV Bulkhead Elbow(Brass)
ESV Weld Bulkhead
ESV Weld Bulkhead(Stainless)
Weld Fittings
AS Weld Connector
AS Weld Connector(Stainless)
WAS Weld Elbow
Female Connector Fittings
GAI-R/M Straight Fem Stud
GAI-R/M Straight Fem Stud(Stainless)
GAI-R/M Straight Fem Stud
GAI-NPT Straight Fem Stud
MAV BSPP Press Gauge Conn
MAV BSPP Press Gauge Conn(Stainless)
MAV BSPP Press Gauge Conn(Brass)
MAVE BSPP Press Gauge Conn
MAVE BSPP Press Gauge Conn(Stainless)
RED-L/S Reducing Tube Adapter
RED-L/S Reducing Tube Adapter(Stainless)
GR Straight Reducers
GR Straight Reducers(Stainless)
GR Straight Reducers(Brass)
TR Tee-Reducers
DA Distance Piece Adapter
DA Distance Piece Adapter(Stainless)
Banjo Fittings
SWVE-R/M Banjo Elbow
WH-R/M High Press Banjo Elbow
WH-R/M High Press Banjo Elbow(Stainless)
WH-R/M High Press Banjo Elbow(Brass)
TH-R/M High Press Banjo Tee
TH-R/M High Press Banjo Tee(Stainless)
Adjustable Fittings w/ Swivel Nut
EW Swivel Nut Elbow
EW Swivel Nut Elbow(Stainless)
ET Swivel Nut Branch Tee
ET Swivel Nut Branch Tee(Stainless)
EL Swivel Nut Run Tee
EL Swivel Nut Run Tee(Stainless)
Assembled Adjustable Fittings
EW-R/M-ED Swivel Elbow
ET-R/M-ED Swivel Branch Tee
EL-R/M-ED Swivel Run Tee
LEE Adjustable Lock Nut Run Tee
TEE Adjustable Lock Nut Branch Tee
VEE Adjustable Lock Nut 45° Elbow
WEE Adjustable Lock Nut Elbow
Swivel Connectors
EGE-R/M-ED Swivel Connector
EGE-R/M-ED Swivel Conn(Stainless)
GZ Swivel Nut Union
GZ Swivel Nut Union(Stainless)
GZR Swivel Union Reducer
Weld Nipples
SKA Fem EO Tube /Butt Weld
SKA Fem EO Tube /Butt Weld(Stainless)
Plain Bearing Rotary Fittings
DVGE Male Rotary Connector
DVWE Male Rotary Elbow
Ball Bearing Rotary Fittings
DG101 Rotary Union
DG102 Rotary Male Connector
DG103 Rotary Union Elbow
DG104 Rotary Male Elbow
DG105 Rotary Union Double Elbow
DG106 Rotary Male Double Elbow
DG107 Rotary Bulkhead Union
DG108 Rotary Union Bulkhead Elbow
SAE Flange Connections Code 61
GFS Straight, Code 61
WFS Elbow, Code 61
FHS SAE Flanges
SAE Flange Connections Code 62
GFS Straight, Code 62
WFS Elbow, Code 62
FHS SAE Flanges
Flange Connections
BFG Str Hydraulic Flange Connection
BFW Elbow Hydraulic Flange Connection
Non-Return Check Valves
RHD Metric Tube Ends
RHD Metric Tube Ends(Stainless)
RHV-R/M -ED Male Stud Inlet-Met Tube Outlet
RHV-R/M -ED Male Stud Inlet-Met Tube Outlet(Stainless)
RHZ-R/M-ED Met Tube Inlet-Male Stud Outlet
RHZ-R/M-ED Met Tube Inlet-Male Stud Outlet(S/S)
RHDI Female BSP at Both Ends
RHDI Female BSP at Both Ends(S/S)
RVP Cartridge Valve
ITL Internal Parts
Tube Fitting Components
M Nut
M Nut(Stainless)
M Nut(Brass)
DPR Progressive Ring
DPR Progressive Ring(Stainless)
D Cutting Locking Ring
D Cutting Locking Ring(Stainless)
D Cutting Locking Ring(Brass)
FM EO-2 Dual Function Nut
FM EO-2 Dual Function Nut(Stainless)
DOZ EO-2 Soft Sealing Ring
DOZ EO-2 Soft Sealing Ring(Stainless)
GM Bulkhead Fitting Nut
GM Bulkhead Fitting Nut(Stainless)
GM Bulkhead Fitting Nut(Brass)
Blanking Parts
VKA Blanking Plug for Cones
VKA Blanking Plug for Cones(Stainless)
VKA Blanking Plug for Cones(Brass)
ROV Blanking Ends for Tube
ROV Blanking Ends for Tube (Stainless)
Support Sleeves
E for Plastic Tube(Brass)
VH for Metal Tube
VH for Metal Tube(S/S)
VH for Metal Tube(Brass)
Seal Rings
KDS for Banjo Fittings WH/TH
DKA for Banjo Fittings WH/TH & SWVE
DKA for Banjo Fittings WH/TH & SWVE(S/S)
DKI for Pressure Gauge Connectors
ED EOlastic for BSPP & Metric Threads
OR O-ring
Metric Shut-Off Valves
DV Shut-off Valve Pmax 10
LD Shut-off Valve Pmax 40
VDHA High Pessure Valve
VDHB High Pessure Valve -Panel Mt
Metric Alternating Valves
WV Alternating Valve
Metric Two Way Ball Valves
KH Metric Tube to Metric Tube
KH Metric Tube/Metric Tube(Stainless)
KH-R/NPT Female BSP/NPT to Female BSP/NPT
KH-R/NPT Female BSP/NPT to Female BSP/NPT(Stainless)
Metric Three Way Ball Valve
KH3/2 Three Way Ball Valve
Test Point Connectors
GMA1 Met Tube/Met Tube w/Pin-Lock
VKA1 EO Swivel w/Pin-Lock
GMA3 Met Tube/Met Tube w/M16 Thread
GMA3 Met Tube/Met Tube w/M16 Thread(S/S)
VKA3 EO Swivel w/M16 Thread
VKA3 EO Swivel w/M16 Thread