派克70Mpa加氢机软管 Hydrogen Hose 2440P-04V32 | #2440P-04V32
氢气软管 2440P-04V32 | #2440P-04V32
派克 2440P-04V32 氢气软管旨在满足高压加氢的高要求。 它提供高水平的可靠性、稳健性和长生命周期,并针对在 875 bar 氢燃料站中的运行进行了优化。 派克 2440P-04V32 氢气软管旨在满足在 875 巴和 -40 °C 的预冷氢气下加氢的高要求。 它提供高水平的可靠性、坚固的设计和更长的使用寿命。 弯曲半径小,在有限的空间内使用和安装更方便。 该软管非常适合为氢燃料汽车快速加油。
Parker 2440P-04V32 Hydrogen Hose is designed to match high demands of high pressure hydrogen refueling. It offers high level of reliability, robustness and long life cycle and is optimized for operation in 875 bar hydrogen fuel stations.
Parker 2440P-04V32 Hydrogen Hose is designed to match high demands of Hydrogen refueling at 875 bar with pre-cooled hydrogen of -40 °C. It offers high level of reliability, a robust design and an extended live cycle. Tight bend radius enables more convenient usage and installation in limited spaces. This hose is ideal for fast refueling of Hydrogen cars.

Hydrogen Hose 2440P-04V32 | #2440P-04V32
70Mpa加氢机氢气软管 2440P-04V32 | #2440P-04V32

- 替代能源 氢气,加氢机
- 市场上第一款工作安全的高压氢气软管 ;
- 即使在 -40 ° C, 由于软管和接头的完美匹配也不会出现泄漏;
- 相比较于市场上现存的软管方案至少 3 倍氢气加注寿命;
- 可靠的设计 , 最小弯曲半径小 , 且抗扭结 ;
- 重量轻、降低噪音、抗振动
客户的获益之处 :
- 产品可靠 - 无气体泄漏;
- 安全 , 节省维护费用 , 源于更长的氢气加注寿命 ( 次数 );
- 降低停机时间 , 并减少维护次数 ( 即加大维护周期 )
- 卓越的可靠性
- 长生命周期
- 坚固的设计
- 小弯曲半径
- 专为低温加油
- 在 875bar 的高压加氢站为乘用车加氢。
Hydrogen refueling of passenger cars on high pressure Hydrogen fuel stations of 875bar.
- 标称软管内径: 6
- 软管 ID(尺寸): -4
- 软管内径: 6,4 毫米,1/4 英寸
- 软管外径: 13,0 毫米
- 最大工作压力: 103,5 兆帕,15000 磅/平方英寸
- 最小爆破压力: 414,0 兆帕,60000 磅/平方英寸
- 最小弯曲半径: 150 毫米
- 重量(每测量单位):
- 兼容配件: ——

Parker Introduces Polyflex 2440P-04V32 HT-P Hydrogen Hose for Fast Compressed Hydrogen Refueling of Fuel Cell Electric Cars
Lampertheim, Germany, 1. April 2019
Flexible high-performance solution based on new ISO 19880-5 standard combines safety and an enhanced life cycle
Lampertheim, Germany, 1. April 2019 – The Polyflex Division of Parker Hannifin Corporation, the global leader in motion and control technologies, has announced the launch of its new Polyflex 2240P-04V32 HT-P Hydrogen hose developed specifically for high pressure hydrogen refueling of fuel cell electric cars. The ISO 19880-5 complianthoses allow very fast refueling at temperatures as low as -40°C.

Polyflex Hydrogen Hose has a nominal internal diameter of 6.4 mm (1/4 inch) and a minimum bend radius of 150mm (5.90"). An industry-leading 875 bar working pressure allows dispenser manufacturers to overcome the constraints of slow and low-pressure hydrogen refueling. The hoses provide a safe and flexible high-pressure connection between dispenser and passenger car. Pressure tested to H70, mainly in accordance with ISO DIS 19880-5 makes 2440P-04V32 HT-P hydrogen hose an excellent choice for operators facing variable and unpredictable operating conditions at fuel stations.
“Today’s dispenser manufacturer engineers want robust solutions that provide 100% safety, have an easy-to-use design, and an extended life cycle,” said Alexander Hertje, Market Development Manager of Parker’s Polyflex Division. “Parker is continually advancing its hose product offering to meet the expanding challenges of tomorrow. The new Hydrogen dispenser hose has enhanced performance features at longer life cycles,” Hertje added. “Its tight bend radius allows space saving installations, and its high abrasion resistance as well as high ozone and UV resistant cover support deployment outdoors and reduce the risk of abrasion-related problems as well as cover cracks.”
Parker’s newest hydrogen hose features a high-performance thermoplastic inner core tube protected by four layers of high-tensile wire reinforcement. With a wide operating temperature range of -40°F to +185°F (-40°C to +85°C), high cleanliness, and an extremely low permeation rate, 2440P-04V32 HT-P Hydrogen hose is highly suitable for H70 pressure class dispenser applications.