Dynalco M204 Magnetic Pickup电磁感应速度传感器
Dynalco M204 Speed Sensor传感器
Dynalco M204 Magnetic Pickup传感器
Dynalco M204 Speed Sensor传感器
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Dynalco M204 Agency Approval
Dynalco M204 Magnetic Pickup/Speed Sensor电磁感应速度传感器
Product Code: M204
这种电磁感应速度传感器的齐纳有限输出使其本质安全,并通过了CSA认证。它甚至在低速(<300转/分)、大齿轮(>2英寸直径)应用中也能产生输出。它有中等长度(2.5英寸)和5/8-18螺纹。The zener-limited output of this magnetic pickup makes it intrinsically safe and CSA approved. It produces output even at low speed (<300 rpm), larger gear (>2 inch diam.) applications. It has a medium reach (2.5 inches) and a 5/8-18 thread.
大多数经CSA认证的皮卡仅在用作特定认证系统或组件的一部分时保留该认证。UL、CENELEC和一些经CSA批准的拾音器可用于任何仪器。Most CSA-certified pickups retain that approval only when used as part of a specific certified system or assembly. UL, CENELEC, and some CSA approved pickups may be used with any instrumentation.