Dynalco Active (Powered) - Hazardous有源磁传感器 - 危险区域应用
Magnetic Pickups Speed Sensors磁传感器速度传感器
M920 Series 霍尔效应传感器
Dynalco M920 Series Speed Hall-Effect Sensors
Dynalco Products
Dynalco成立于1968年,有三种产品,目标是为石油和天然气行业生产工程解决方案。如今,Dynalco,因其在石油天然气、化工、电力、海洋和建筑行业中使用的高质量仪器和控制装置而受到认可。2011年10月,Dynalco被其姊妹公司Barksdale,Inc.收购,现在是Barksdale品牌家族的一部分。Dynalco was started in 1968 with three products and a goal of producing engineered solutions for the oil and gas industries. Today, Dynalco has become a worldwide industry leader, recognized for its high-quality instruments and controls used in the oil & gas, chemical, power, marine and construction industries. In October 2011 Dynalco was acquired by its sister company Barksdale, Inc. and is now part of Barksdale's family of brands. Back to Dynalco main product page.
M920 Series Zero Speed Hall-Effect Sensors
M920 Series

Active (Powered) - Hazardous Area
Zero Speed Hall-Effect Sensors