Autoclave Engineers高压阀、接头和管子
Parker Autoclave Engineers high pressure valves, fittings, tubing, and air-driven liquid pumps
from 5,000 psi to as high as 150,000 psi
Autoclave Engineers工厂以生产高压阀、接头和管子而著名。压力可以从 0到150,000 psi (10342 bar),温度从-423°F (-252°C) 到1200°F (649°C)。 没有别的工厂能比Autoclave Engineers 在高压要求方面做的更好,也没有别的工厂能比Autoclave Engineers做的系统更可靠、更具有创新的特性。
Autoclave Engineer 亮相2012Cippe第十二届中国国际石油石化技术装备展览会 。Autoclave Engineer产品包括气驱液压泵、高温高压磁力泵,超高压针阀、球阀、单向阀、安全阀、仪表阀、不锈钢管、接头,高温高压反应釜、管式反应器、小型反应系统等。 依托产品资源及工厂的大力支持,我们在海上钻井、石油石化、天然气、航空航天、军工、电力、机床模具、工程机械、实验室设备等行业和领域取得了良好业绩,同时也拥有了大量优质客户,也请广大新老客户继续给予支持,我们也会加倍努力,为您提供更优质服务。
15,000 psi 低压配件和组件
Low-pressure fittings and components
20,000 psi 中压配件和组件
Medium-pressure fittings & components
60,000 psi 高压配件和组件
High-pressure fittings & components
150,000 psi 超高压配件和组件
Ultra-high pressure fittings & components
- 油气井井口装置
油气井井口 |
高压管汇系统 |
井口仪表阀门 |
井口仪表阀门 |
哈氏合金针阀 |
圆盘纸记录仪 |
井口控制盘专用换向球阀 |
仪表阀门接头 |
仪表阀门 |
试压泵 |
采气树接头 |
抗腐蚀压力表 |
60000psi TUBE |
20000psi TUBE |
6000 PSI TUBE |
AE增压泵 |
盘管 |
超高压不锈钢仓库 |
Autoclave Engineers
Autoclave Engineers (a division of Parker Hannifin) is the industry leader in high-pressure process equipment, instrumentation, and controls, offering a diverse line of quality products suitable for a number of industrial systems. We specialize in valves, fittings, tubing, adapters and couplings, pressure vessels and reactors, and more. No matter the demands of your process, our products are engineered for the utmost in efficiency and performance.

低压阀门、接头和管路 Low Pressure Valves, Fittings and Tubing
Parker Autoclave Engineers的低压阀门、接头和管道同步,以实现稳定、高效的过程,温度高达650华氏度,压力高达15,000 psi。Parker Autoclave Engineers' low pressure valves, fittings, and tubings synchronize for stable, efficient processes with temperatures up to 650 F and pressures up to 15,000 psi.
中压阀门、接头和管道Medium Pressure Valves, Fittings and Tubing
高压釜工程师生产阀门、接头和管道,使用压力高达 20,000 psi。Autoclave Engineers manufactures valves, fittings and tubing for use up to 20,000 psi.
高压阀门、接头和管道High Pressure Valves, Fittings and Tubing
高压釜工程师制造最高质量的高压设备,包括阀门、配件和管道。高压釜的高压接头组件能够工作到60,000 psi...Autoclave Engineers manufactures the highest quality high-pressure equipment including valves, fittings, and tubing. Autoclave's high-pressure fitting components are capable of operating to 60,000 psi…
超高压阀门、接头和管路Ultra-High Pressure Valves, Fittings and Tubing
Parker Autoclave Engineers提供超高压阀门,管路和接头,额定应用压力高达150,000 psi...Parker Autoclave Engineers supply ultra-high pressure valves, tubing, and fittings rated for applications up to 150,000 psi...
适配器和接头Adapters and Couplings
Parker Autoclave Engineers为低压、中压和高压应用制造全系列的工业接头和适配器,Parker Autoclave Engineers manufacture a full line of industrial couplings and adapters for low, medium, and high-pressure applications
实验室搅拌反应器Laboratory Stirred Reactors
Parker Autoclave Engineers的搅拌实验室反应器系列针对一系列化学过程控制操作进行了优化,由316不锈钢制成,并充满了在线MagneDrive磁...Parker Autoclave Engineers' line of stirred lab reactors is optimized for a host of chemical process control operations, manufactured from 316 Stainless Steel and imbued with an In-Line MagneDrive mag…
压力容器Pressure Vessels
高压釜不仅仅是另一种产品;它以我们的名义。Parker Autoclave Engineers生产AE,O形圈和Kuentzel瓶盖类型的压力容器,用于批量型化学反应,陶氏...The autoclave is not just another product; it's in our name. Parker Autoclave Engineers produce pressure vessels in AE, O-ring, and Kuentzel Closure types for use in batch type chemical reactions, dow…
磁耦合混合器Magnetically Coupled Mixers
Parker Autoclave Engineers的MagneDrive系列磁力混合器可以实施到高压生产反应器中,从小型实验室到大型生产工厂...Parker Autoclave Engineers' MagneDrive series of magnetic mixers can be implemented into high-pressure production reactors in settings ranging from small laboratories to large production plants...
应用领域: 海上油井, 石油化工及航天领域。