Autoclave Engineers Research Systems 高温 高压反应釜 High temperature High Pressure Reactor
美国Autoclave公司压力反应釜 美国 AE反应釜 催化反应釜
Autoclave Engineers 1945年由Fred Gashe成立,以优良的压力反应器和管路阀门设备闻名于世。在超过半个世纪的发展历程中, Autoclave Engineers 致力于产品的安全和可靠性,持续推动整个行业的发展。磁力耦合搅拌器 MagneDrive是 Autoclave Engineers 著名的技术专利之一,极大的提高了压力反应器安全性和使用范围,广泛应用在压力设备领域,成为行业标准。其产品在石油化工,食品医药,环境保护,精细化工等诸多领域得到了广泛的使用。 Founded by Fred Gasche in 1945 to fill a gap in the world of high pressure and high temperature technology. Parker Autoclave Engineers has created and produced many novel pressure vessel designs as well as made significant break throughs in high pressure technology such as the MagneDrive? magnetically coupled agitator. We have made these developments through commitments to constant innovation and hiring the best technical personnel available.
Parker Autoclave Engineers Research Systems PDF Catalogs freee download

- Autoclave Engineers Research Systems Products
Pressure Vessels
压力容器 |
Magnetically Coupled Mixers
磁力耦合搅拌器 |
Stirred Reactors
搅拌反应器 |
Catalytic Reactors
催化反应器 |
High Temperature, Bolted Closure Batch Reactor
高温螺栓封闭间歇反应器 |
Process Instrumentation
过程仪表 |
High Pressure Pumps 高压泵
MagnePump?: 7-1/2 HP Circulating Pumps
A magnetically coupled, packless, high-pressure pump
Spare Parts and Special Options
Standard Renewal Parts
Replacement parts for your Parker Autoclave Engineers equipment
Valves, Fittings and Tubing
阀门、接头和管子 |
Customer Support Services客户支持服务 |
Autoclave Engineers 压力设备经过严格 ISO9001 质量认证,产品通过了 ASME (美国机械工程师学会), CE (欧洲统一认证), PED (欧洲压力许可认证), CRN (加拿大注册编号)等国际权威机构的认证。 Founded by Fred Gasche in 1945 to fill a gap in the world of high pressure and high temperature technology. Parker Autoclave Engineers has created and produced many novel pressure vessel designs as well as made significant break throughs in high pressure technology such as the MagneDrive? magnetically coupled agitator. We have made these developments through commitments to constant innovation and hiring the best technical personnel available.
Autoclave Engineers反应釜系统产品扩展性良好,可扩展为多釜串联连续流动反应器,或者多釜平行反应装置。釜体可在允许范围内加装各种检测设备或配件,以满足用户个性化的需求。 Autoclave Engineers 产品提供了高度的通用性,为用户大程度减少使用和维护成本。不同型号的产品,其部件通用性高达70%,通过更换反应釜体,搅拌部件,阀门管路等方法,扩展使用范围,达到设备更大的利用率。

Parker Autoclave Engineers Reactor

Parker Autoclave Engineers Research Systems特点和优势:
Autoclave Engineers公司生产的MagneDrives系列产品是一种高速磁力耦合搅拌设备,该磁力耦合搅拌器适合在高压环境中使用,且不会对生产过程造成污染。MagneDrives系列搅拌器具有多种型号,从小型的实验室规格到工厂搅拌器规格均有提供。此类高速搅拌器适用于气体弥散、液体混合以及固体的悬浮作业。
Autoclave Engineers公司生产的MagnePumps系列高压泵,能够杜绝或减轻传统泵的常见问题,如泄漏、污染和发热等。Autoclave Engineers公司生产的高压泵适合在以下环境中使用:对液体的高纯性有严格要求的应用;一旦介质发生泄漏会产生严重危险的应用,如核回路、石油水化物回路等。
Autoclave Engineers公司生产的螺栓封闭式反应器,适用于高压应用,性能可靠。该反应器的密封件采用与反应器材质相同的金属垫片,产品具有多种不同的标准配置。 Autoclave Engineers公司生产的反应器仍安装于支架上,在开启反应器时,无需拆卸设备连接件。该间歇式反应器的机体可以方便的从外壳上拆卸下来。
Autoclave Engineers公司生产各种搅拌反应器,产品尺寸多种多样,从微型反应器到工业生产用大型搅拌器均有供应。搅拌反应器还具有各种材质、各种加热和冷却方式的类型可供客户选择,提供各种不同的高压、高温额定值、封闭方式,以及多种内部部件,能够满足多种反应器应用要求。
Autoclave Engineers公司生产各种不同的封闭方式、各种材质和尺寸的压力容器产品。Autoclave Engineers公司的压力容器产品能够在极端高温和高压环境中使用,适用于间歇式化学反应、向下钻进模拟、催化剂研究,或作为压载容器使用。
Downhole simulation, catalyst research, gas dispersion, liquid blending, solid suspension, monitoring and contrl of pressures, temperatures, mixing speed, gas flow, reactor functions, high-pressure pumping.
Quick Links
- Vessel Selection Guide (New)
- Compare: Pressure Vessels
- Compare: Hi Temp Press. Closure
- Advantage: Reactor Port Connect
- Download: Product Literature
- Review: Catalyst Baskets
Parker Autoclave Business Units
Valves, Fittings, and Tubing
Air Driven Pumps
Fixed Bed(tube) Reactors:反应过程中的反应动力学变化迅速,或是要模仿连续流反应器的反应过程 |
Mahoney-Robinson type Catalyst Basket Reactor:液体物料占多数,少数的固体催化剂不能被液体物料托起来,使用固定在搅拌杆上的催化剂篮子 |
Harshaw Stationary and Falling Catalyst Basket Reactor:球形催化栏方便固体催化剂先接触气体后接触液体物料的反应,同时防止固体催化剂被液体物料包裹 |
Berty Basket Catalyst Testing Reactor:
用于催化剂和固体物料混合反应的催化剂釜: |
Caldwell Stationary Catalyst Basket Reactor:用于气体催化剂密度非常低,且不关心反应产生内压的反应釜 |
Carberry Spinning Catalyst Basket Reactor: 同一水平面内的气体和固体物质充分接触的催化剂釜 |

Autoclave Engineers E-catalog Product Literature
Pressure Vessels - Laboratory Stirred Reactor - MagneDrives
Instrumentation - Systems
Pressure Vessels
- Bolted Closure Pressure Vessels
- Zipperclave Pressure Vessels
- AE Closure Pressure Vessels
- O-Ring Closure Pressure Vessels
- Cone Closure Pressure Vessels
- Eze Seal Pressure Vessels
- Kuentzel Closure Pressure Vessels
- Threadless Pin Closure Pressure Vessels
- Gasche Resilient Thread Closure Pressure Vessels
- Pressure Vessel Closure Hight Temperature High Pressure Style Comparison
Magnetically Coupled Mixers
- Agitator/Mixer Product Comparison
- MagneDrive Application Data Sheet
- MagneDrives Select Guide
- Mag III (3050) - MagneDrive
- Mag 2.75 - Production Scale High Pressure Magnetic Mixer
- Mag 0.75 - Laboratory High Pressure Magnetic Mixer
- MAG075 Inline MagneDrive Series
- Mag 1.5001 - Pilot Scale High Presure Magnetic Mixer 1.5001 Pressure Magnetic Mixer MagneDrive II agitators
- Mag 1.5002 - MagneDrive II Series
- Mag 1.5004-1.5010 - MagneDrive II Series
Stirred Reactors 搅拌反应器
- Mini-Reactors
- Mini-Reactors Order Guide
- Zipperclave Stirred Laboratory Reactor
- ZipperClave Stirred Reactors Ordering Guide 500, 1,000, 2,000, and 4,000 ml
- 500 and 1,000 ml ZipperClave?Stirred Reactor
- 500 and 1,000 ml EZE-Seal Stirred Reactor
- 2,000 and 4,000 ml Bolted Closure Stirred Reactor
- Stirred Reactor Selector Guide
- Bolted Closure Ordering Guide
- Mini-Reactor 25, 50, 100 & 150ml
- 100/300 ml Bolted Closure
- 500/1000 ml Bolted Closure
- 2,000/4,000 ml Bolted Closure
- Hi-Temp 2000/4000ml Bolted Closure
- EZE-Seal Ordering Guide
- 100/300 ml EZE-Seal
- 500/1000 ml EZE-Seal
- 2000/4000 ml EZE-Seal
- Zipperclave Ordering Guide
- 500/1,000 ml Zipperclave
- 2,000/4,000 ml Zipperclave
- EZE-Seal Stirred Laboratory Reactor
- Bolted Closure Laboratory Batch Reactors
- Stirred Reactor Conversion Kits
- 12ml Micro-Berty Catalytic Packless Reactor
High Temperature, Bolted Closure Batch Reactor
- High Temperature, Bolted Closure Batch Reactor
Catalyst Testing Reactors 催化反应器
- Berty Stationary Basket Catalyst Reactor
- MicroBerty Catalyst Testing Reactor
- Robinson-Mahoney Catalyst Testing Reactor
- Micro Robinson-Mahoney Catalyst Reactor
- Mahoney-Robinson Spinning Basket Reactor
- Carberry Spinning Basket Catalyst Reactor
- Harshaw Falling Basket Catalyst Reactor
- Caldwell Catalyst Testing Reactor
- MicroClave Catalyst Testing Reactor
Laboratory Reaction Systems
- Multi-Reactor BTRS Reactor System
- BTRS-Jr. Laboratory Tube Reactor System
- Multi-Reactor Systems
- BRTS-900 Automatic Tube reactor System
Process Instrumentation
- Sentinel Series Controller
- Watchtower Software
- UTD (Universal Tach Display) Universal Tachometer Display
- UMC (Universal Motor Controller)
- UFC (Universal Flow Controller)
- URC (Universal Reactor Controller)
- UHC (Universal Heater Controller)
High Pressure Pumps
- MagnePump - 3/4 HP ; MagnePump - 3/4 & 1-1/2 HP Circulating Pumps
- MagnePump - 5 HP ; MagnePump - 5 & 7-1/2 HP Circulating Pumps
Spare Parts
- Standard Renewal Parts
- Custom Components
Customer Support Services
- Inspection, Testing and Recertification
- Repair and Refurbishment
- Installation and Training
- Technical Support
Custom Applications
- High Pressure Impregnation System
- Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Vessels
- Corrosion Test System
- Hydrothermal/Crystal Growth Vessel
- Down Hole Simulation System
- Core Disolving/Removal System
- Subsea Simulation Vessel
- Agency Approvals
- Autoclave Engineers MagneDrives系列搅拌反应器
- NEW - - 2019: Parker Autoclave Research Products Guide
PDF Listing