CPIFF 系列软阀座管式直通单向阀 (5000 psi / 350 bar), 单片式阀体, 内螺纹管接头油口端
Snap-tite CPIFF Series Soft Seat Check Valves单向阀
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Parker派克Snap-tite CPIFF Series内联单向阀
Soft Seat In-Line Check Valves (5000 psi) One Piece Body, Female Fitting Ends - CPIFF
派克单向阀是单向流动的控制装置, 主要用于液压系统, 以防止由于液流的背压而造成的损害。
凭借软密封(几乎零泄露)引导的提升阀设计和4:1的安全系数,CPIFF系列单向阀非常适用于允许一个方向自由流动但反方向不能流动的应用场合。这些简化的软密封提升阀对流动产生的限制最小,并可实现反向截流,多种开启压力和密封件可选,可兼容大部分流体。CPIFF 系列单向阀 (5,000 psi / 350 bar) 是软阀座、无泄漏座阀型单向阀, 采用紧凑的单片阀体结构, 标准的开启压力为 5, 15, 25 及 65 psi (0.35, 1.05, 1.75 及 4.55 bar)。可供货的规格范围很广, 可大至 1""。带内螺纹接头油口, 通流能力至 30 gpm (113 lpm)。

CPIFF 系列软阀座管式直通单向阀 (5000 psi / 350 bar), 单片式阀体, 内螺纹管接头油口端
CPIFF Series Soft Seat Check Valves PDF Catalog free download

单向阀是流体系统的重要元件, 但在系统建立时却常常被忽视。单向阀可通过以下方式优化系统的性能:
- 促使液流只在一个方向上流动
- 减少由背压引起的损坏隐患
- 隔离系统的分支或系统元件
基本的单向阀由带有进、出油口的阀体和由弹簧压力控制的内部可移动座阀芯组成。大多数情况下单向阀是常闭的, 当液流的压力高于弹簧所产生的背压 (开启压力) 时, 单向阀开启, 允许液流只在一个方向上流动。当反向液流试图流进出口时, 阀芯关闭, 阻止反向流动。
软阀座单向阀在阀芯和阀体之间带有一个 O 型圈或类似的弹性密封结构, 从而改善了防泄漏的性能。 这种软阀座设计与 "清洁" 系统相容, 但对存在大流量冲击的系统不适用。其密封材料决定了阀的使用温度范围。
- 规格: 1/4"" 至 1""
- 材料: 碳钢, 黄铜
- 密封材料: 氟碳橡胶
- 标准开启压力 (psi/bar): 5, 15, 25 及 65 / 0.35, 1.05, 1.75 及 4.55
- 油口端: NPSF 内螺纹, SAE 内螺纹, BS 2779 内直管螺纹
- 开启压力可选
- 节流阀功能可选
- 客户定制形状及配置
注: 有些选项可能是非标配置, 请与快换接头事业部 (Quick Coupling Division) 联系, 以确认可否供货。
- 工业设备
- 建筑业
- 农业
- 运输业
- 只允许液流在一个方向上流动, 保护系统免受流体背压的影响
- 软密封座阀创建了一个无泄漏密封
- 氟碳橡胶密封是标准的配置
- 可应要求提供可选的开启压力
- 节流阀功能选项可在阀关闭时提供节流功能, 节流孔尺寸可按应用要求确定
- 客户定制形状及配置可以集成一些特殊的功能, 从而减少系统元件的数量与潜在的泄漏点
- 工业设备、工程机械以及建筑设备
- 单向节流回路
- 高/低压泵组回路
- 慢进/快回回路
- 油冷却器旁路回路
- 顺序动作回路
- 先导压力回路
- 蓄能器回路
- 提升阀 软密封
- 流速达30 GPM, 115L/M
- 碳钢结构,也可提供其他材质
- 五种尺寸1/4’’ 、3/8’’、 1/2、 3/4 和1’’
- SAE、NPSF和BS2779内螺纹连接
- 工作压力可达5000 psi ,45 bar
Marker Applications用途
- 泵口和蒸汽应用
- 增压压缩机
- 冷却水
- 空气干燥器和仪表空气管线
- 燃料储存罐

Snap-Tite CPIFF Check Valves : The soft seat guided poppet design and 4:1 safety factor make this check valve an excellent choice for a wide variety of applications where free flow in one direction and blocked flow in the reverse direction is required. The streamlined soft seated poppet offers minimum restriction to flow and positive shut-off.
CPIFF Series - The soft seat guided poppet design and 4:1 safety factor make this check valve an excellent choice for a wide variety of applications where free flow in one direction and blocked flow in the reverse direction is required. The streamlined soft seated poppet offers minimum restriction to flow and positive shut-off.
CPIFF Series : Check Valves One Piece Inline Check Valves
Soft Seat Poppet Style
Flow Rates to 30 gpm (115 l/min)
Construction - Zinc yellow dichromate plated steel. For other materials, consult factory.
Size Range - Available in sizes 1/4" thru 1"
Compact Design
Working Pressure - Up to 5,000 psi (345 bar)
Various End Fittings Available
The CPIFF Series is an economical check valve that competes against the competition supplied ball style check valves and offers higher quality at the same or lesser pricing. Snap-tite also offers an orificed poppet for use as a fixed flow control when required. A variety of seals and crack pressures are offered to handle a wide range of media and systems.
CPC, CAC, CAV & CAD Series - These cartridge style check valves were designed for hydraulic circuit applications where virtually zero leakage in the checked direction is required. The pilot operated style will lock an actuator or part of a circuit until pilot pressure is applied. Features include a durable molded nylon poppet seal, dampening port in the poppet guide, and a hardened steel body and poppet.
CPC, CAC, CAV & CAD Series : Check Valves Cartridge, Pilot & Dual Pilot Check Valves
Three Sizes Based on Flow - 10 gpm, 25 gpm, & 50 gpm (38, 95 & 189 l/min respectively)
Three Standard Spring Pressures - 15, 25, & 60 psi (1, 1.7, & 4 bar respectively)
Working Pressure - to 3,500 psi (241 bar), 5,000 psi (345 bar) intermittently
4:1 Pilot Ratio on Pilot Operated Check Valves
Construction - Plated steel cartridges, anodized aluminum blocks
Air Pilot Option Available
Snap-tite CPIFF-2P-5 Inline check valves; poppet style; female inlet & outlet; 1/4in npsf; 5 psi
Snap-tite CPIFF-3P-120A Inline check valves; poppet style; female inlet & outlet; 3/8in npsf; 120 psi; buna
Snap-tite CPIFF-3P-15A Inline check valves; poppet style; female inlet/outlet; 3/8in npsf; 25 psi; buna
Snap-tite CPIFF-3P-25A Inline check valves; poppet style; female inlet & outlet; 3/8in npsf; 5 psi; buna
Snap-tite CPIFF-3P-5A Inline check valves; poppet style; female inlet & outlet; 3/8in npsf; 65 psi; buna
Snap-tite CPIFF-3P-65A Inline check valves; poppet style; female inlet & outlet; 1/2in npsf; 65 psi; buna
Snap-tite CPIFF-4P-65A Inline check valves; poppet style; female inlet & outlet; 3/4in npsf; 65 psi; buna
Snap-tite CPIFF-6P-65A Inline check valves; poppet style; female inlet & outlet; 1in npsf; 5 psi; buna
Snap-tite CPIFF-8P-5A Inline check valves; poppet style; female inlet & outlet; 1in npsf; 65 psi; buna
Snap-tite CPIFF-8P-65A
Snap-Tite CPIFF-2P-5 1/4" 5psi Check Valves - 5000 Psi
CPIFF-12S-15 3/4" Female SAE-15 psi Spring
CPIFF-12S-15A 3/4" Female SAE-15 psi Spring
CPIFF-12S-25 3/4" Female SAE-25 psi Spring
CPIFF-12S-25A 3/4" Female SAE-25 psi Spring
CPIFF-12S-5 3/4" Female SAE-5 psi Spring
CPIFF-12S-5A 3/4" Female SAE-5 psi Spring
CPIFF-12S-65 3/4" Female SAE-65 psi Spring
CPIFF-12S-65A 3/4" Female SAE-65 psi Spring
CPIFF-16S-15 1" Female SAE-15 psi Spring
CPIFF-16S-15A 1" Female SAE-15 psi Spring
CPIFF-16S-25 1" Female SAE-25 psi Spring
CPIFF-16S-25A 1" Female SAE-25 psi Spring
CPIFF-16S-5 1" Female SAE-5 psi Spring
CPIFF-16S-5A 1" Female SAE-5 psi Spring
CPIFF-16S-65 1" Female SAE-65 psi Spring
CPIFF-16S-65A 1" Female SAE-65 psi Spring
CPIFF-2P-15 1/4" NPTF-15 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-2P-15A 1/4" NPTF-15 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-2P-25 1/4" NPTF-25 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-2P-25A 1/4" NPTF-25 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-2P-5 1/4" NPTF-5 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-2P-5A 1/4" NPTF-5 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-2P-65 1/4" NPTF-65 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-2P-65A 1/4" NPTF-65 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-2RP-15 1/4" BSPF-15 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-2RP-65 1/4" BSPF-65 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-3P-15 3/8" NPTF-15 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-3P-15A 3/8" NPTF-15 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-3P-25 3/8" NPTF-25 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-3P-25A 3/8" NPTF-25 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-3P-5 3/8" NPTF-5 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-3P-5A 3/8" NPTF-5 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-3P-65 3/8" NPTF-65 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-3P-65A 3/8" NPTF-65 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-3RP-15 3/8" BSPF-15 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-3RP-15A 3/8" BSPF-15 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-3RP-5A 3/8" BSPF-5 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-3RP-65 3/8" BSPF-65 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-4P-15 1/2" NPTF-15 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-4P-15A 1/2" NPTF-15 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-4P-25 1/2" NPTF-25 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-4P-25A 1/2" NPTF-25 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-4P-5 1/2" NPTF-5 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-4P-5A 1/2" NPTF-5 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-4P-65 1/2" NPTF-65 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-4P-65A 1/2" NPTF-65 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-4RP-15 1/2" BSPF-15 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-6P-15 3/4" NPTF-15 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-6P-15A 3/4" NPTF-15 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-6P-25 3/4" NPTF-25 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-6P-25A 3/4" NPTF-25 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-6P-5 3/4" NPTF-5 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-6P-5A 3/4" NPTF-5 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-6P-65 3/4" NPTF-65 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-6P-65A 3/4" NPTF-65 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-6RP-15 3/4" BSPF-15 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-6RP-25 3/4" BSPF-25 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-6RP-5 3/4" BSPF-5 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-8P-15 1" NPTF-15 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-8P-15A 1" NPTF-15 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-8P-25 1" NPTF-25 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-8P-25A 1" NPTF-25 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-8P-5 1" NPTF-5 psi Spring
CPIFF-8P-5A 1" NPTF-5 psi Spring Pressure Buna
CPIFF-8P-65 1" NPTF-65 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-8P-65A 1" NPTF-65 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-8RP-15 1" BSPF-15 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-8RP-5 1" BSPF-5 psi Spring Pressure
CPIFF-8S-15 1/2" Female SAE-15 psi Spring
CPIFF-8S-15A 1/2" Female SAE-15 psi Spring
CPIFF-8S-25 1/2" Female SAE-25 psi Spring
CPIFF-8S-25A 1/2" Female SAE-25 psi Spring
CPIFF-8S-5 1/2" Female SAE-5 psi Spring
CPIFF-8S-5A 1/2" Female SAE-5 psi Spring
CPIFF-8S-65 1/2" Female SAE-65 psi Spring
CPIFF-8S-65A 1/2" Female SAE-65 psi Spring
- 如何订货Ordering Informations:
- 如何订货Ordering Informations:
部件号 |
阀体尺寸(英寸) |
进气口连接类型 |
进口端口尺寸(英寸) |
出口端口连接形式 |
出口端口尺寸(英寸) |
开启压力 (psi) |
密封材料 |
CPIFF-12S-15 |
3/4 |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 1/16 - 12 UN |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 1/16 - 12 UN |
15 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-12S-25 |
3/4 |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 1/16 - 12 UN |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 1/16 - 12 UN |
25 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-12S-5 |
3/4 |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 1/16 - 12 UN |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 1/16 - 12 UN |
5 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-12S-5A |
3/4 |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 1/16 - 12 UN |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 1/16 - 12 UN |
5 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-12S-65 |
3/4 |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 1/16 - 12 UN |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 1/16 - 12 UN |
65 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-12S-65A |
3/4 |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 1/16 - 12 UN |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 1/16 - 12 UN |
65 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-16S-15 |
1 |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 5/16 - 12 UN |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 5/16 - 12 UN |
15 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-16S-15A |
1 |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 5/16 - 12 UN |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 5/16 - 12 UN |
15 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-16S-25 |
1 |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 5/16 - 12 UN |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 5/16 - 12 UN |
25 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-16S-5 |
1 |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 5/16 - 12 UN |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 5/16 - 12 UN |
5 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-16S-5A |
1 |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 5/16 - 12 UN |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 5/16 - 12 UN |
5 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-16S-65 |
1 |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 5/16 - 12 UN |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 5/16 - 12 UN |
65 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-16S-65A |
1 |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 5/16 - 12 UN |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
1 5/16 - 12 UN |
65 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-2P-15 |
1/4 |
Female NPSF |
1/4 - 18 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1/4 - 18 NPSF |
15 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-2P-25 |
1/4 |
Female NPSF |
1/4 - 18 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1/4 - 18 NPSF |
25 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-2P-25A |
1/4 |
Female NPSF |
1/4 - 18 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1/4 - 18 NPSF |
25 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-2P-5 |
1/4 |
Female NPSF |
1/4 - 18 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1/4 - 18 NPSF |
5 |
Fluorocarbon |
1/4 |
Female NPSF |
1/4 - 18 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1/4 - 18 NPSF |
5 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-2P-65 |
1/4 |
Female NPSF |
1/4 - 18 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1/4 - 18 NPSF |
65 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-2P-65A |
1/4 |
Female NPSF |
1/4 - 18 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1/4 - 18 NPSF |
65 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-3P-15A |
3/8 |
Female NPSF |
3/8 - 18 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
3/8 - 18 NPSF |
15 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-3P-25 |
3/8 |
Female NPSF |
3/8 - 18 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
3/8 - 18 NPSF |
25 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-3P-25A |
3/8 |
Female NPSF |
3/8 - 18 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
3/8 - 18 NPSF |
25 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-3P-5 |
3/8 |
Female NPSF |
3/8 - 18 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
3/8 - 18 NPSF |
5 |
Fluorocarbon |
3/8 |
Female NPSF |
3/8 - 18 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
3/8 - 18 NPSF |
5 |
Nitrile |
部件号 |
阀体尺寸(英寸) |
进气口连接类型 |
进口端口尺寸(英寸) |
出口端口连接形式 |
出口端口尺寸(英寸) |
开启压力 (psi) |
密封材料 |
CPIFF-8P-65A |
1 |
Female NPSF |
1 - 11 1/2 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1 - 11 1/2 NPSF |
65 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-8S-15 |
1/2 |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
3/4 - 16 UNF |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
3/4 - 16 UNF |
15 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-8S-25 |
1/2 |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
3/4 - 16 UNF |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
3/4 - 16 UNF |
25 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-8S-25A |
1/2 |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
3/4 - 16 UNF |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
3/4 - 16 UNF |
25 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-8S-5 |
1/2 |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
3/4 - 16 UNF |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
3/4 - 16 UNF |
5 |
Fluorocarbon |
1/2 |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
3/4 - 16 UNF |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
3/4 - 16 UNF |
5 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-8S-65 |
1/2 |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
3/4 - 16 UNF |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
3/4 - 16 UNF |
65 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-8S-65A |
1/2 |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
3/4 - 16 UNF |
Female SAE Straight Thread |
3/4 - 16 UNF |
65 |
Nitrile |
部件号 |
阀体尺寸(英寸) |
进气口连接类型 |
进口端口尺寸(英寸) |
出口端口连接形式 |
出口端口尺寸(英寸) |
开启压力 (psi) |
密封材料 |
CPIFF-3P-65 |
3/8 |
Female NPSF |
3/8 - 18 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
3/8 - 18 NPSF |
65 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-3P-65A |
3/8 |
Female NPSF |
3/8 - 18 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
3/8 - 18 NPSF |
65 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-4P-15 |
1/2 |
Female NPSF |
1/2 - 14 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1/2 - 14 NPSF |
15 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-4P-15A |
1/2 |
Female NPSF |
1/2 - 14 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1/2 - 14 NPSF |
15 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-4P-25 |
1/2 |
Female NPSF |
1/2 - 14 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1/2 - 14 NPSF |
25 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-4P-25A |
1/2 |
Female NPSF |
1/2 - 14 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1/2 - 14 NPSF |
25 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-4P-5 |
1/2 |
Female NPSF |
1/2 - 14 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1/2 - 14 NPSF |
5 |
Fluorocarbon |
1/2 |
Female NPSF |
1/2 - 14 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1/2 - 14 NPSF |
5 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-4P-65 |
1/2 |
Female NPSF |
1/2 - 14 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1/2 - 14 NPSF |
65 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-4P-65A |
1/2 |
Female NPSF |
1/2 - 14 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1/2 - 14 NPSF |
65 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-6P-15 |
3/4 |
Female NPSF |
3/4 - 14 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
3/4 - 14 NPSF |
15 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-6P-15A |
3/4 |
Female NPSF |
3/4 - 14 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
3/4 - 14 NPSF |
15 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-6P-25 |
3/4 |
Female NPSF |
3/4 - 14 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
3/4 - 14 NPSF |
25 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-6P-25A |
3/4 |
Female NPSF |
3/4 - 14 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
3/4 - 14 NPSF |
25 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-6P-5 |
3/4 |
Female NPSF |
3/4 - 14 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
3/4 - 14 NPSF |
5 |
Fluorocarbon |
3/4 |
Female NPSF |
3/4 - 14 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
3/4 - 14 NPSF |
5 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-6P-65 |
3/4 |
Female NPSF |
3/4 - 14 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
3/4 - 14 NPSF |
65 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-6P-65A |
3/4 |
Female NPSF |
3/4 - 14 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
3/4 - 14 NPSF |
65 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-8P-15 |
1 |
Female NPSF |
1 - 11 1/2 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1 - 11 1/2 NPSF |
15 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-8P-15A |
1 |
Female NPSF |
1 - 11 1/2 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1 - 11 1/2 NPSF |
15 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-8P-25 |
1 |
Female NPSF |
1 - 11 1/2 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1 - 11 1/2 NPSF |
25 |
Fluorocarbon |
CPIFF-8P-25A |
1 |
Female NPSF |
1 - 11 1/2 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1 - 11 1/2 NPSF |
25 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-8P-5 |
1 |
Female NPSF |
1 - 11 1/2 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1 - 11 1/2 NPSF |
5 |
Fluorocarbon |
1 |
Female NPSF |
1 - 11 1/2 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1 - 11 1/2 NPSF |
5 |
Nitrile |
CPIFF-8P-65 |
1 |
Female NPSF |
1 - 11 1/2 NPSF |
Female NPSF |
1 - 11 1/2 NPSF |
65 |
Fluorocarbon |
Part No # |
Coupling Size |
End Fitting Size |
End Fitting Type |
Body Material |
Seal Material |
Valving Style |
Maximum Operating Pressure |
CPIFF-2P-5 |
1/4 in. |
1/4 in. |
Female NPSF |
Steel |
Buna-N (Nitrile) |
Soft Seat Poppet |
5000 psi
345 bar |
CPIFF-3P-5 |
3/8 in. |
3/8 in. |
Female NPSF |
Steel |
Buna-N (Nitrile) |
Soft Seat Poppet |
5000 psi
345 bar |
CPIFF-4P-5 |
1/2 in. |
1/2 in. |
Female NPSF |
Steel |
Buna-N (Nitrile) |
Soft Seat Poppet |
5000 psi
345 bar |
CPIFF-6P-5 |
3/4 in. |
3/4 in. |
Female NPSF |
Steel |
Buna-N (Nitrile) |
Soft Seat Poppet |
5000 psi
345 bar |
CPIFF-8P-5 |
1 in. |
1 in. |
Female NPSF |
Steel |
Buna-N (Nitrile) |
Soft Seat Poppet |
5000 psi
345 bar |
Because of their soft seat (virtual zero leak) guided poppet design and 4:1 safety factor, these check valves are excellent for applications where free flow in one direction and block flow in the reverse direction are required. The streamlined, soft seated poppet provides minimum restriction to flow and positive shut-off. Various spring pressures and seal options compatible with most types of fluid are available.
- Poppet style – soft seal
- Flow rates to 30 gpm (115 l/min)
- Steel construction; other materials available
- Five sizes: 1/4", 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", and 1"
- SAE, NPSF, and BS2779 female end fittings
- Up to 5,000 psi (345 bar) working pressure
Related Parker Valves
Check Valves
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- Parker Snap-tite CAC Pilot Check Valve Cartridge
- Parker Snap-tite CAD Dual Pilot Check Valves
- Parker Snap-tite CAV Single Pilot Check Valves
- Parker Snap-tite CPC Check Valve Cartridge
- CV Series – Inline Unidirectional Valves (3,000 psi)
- DC Series – Inline Unidirectional Valves (5,000 psi)
Pressure/Vacuum Relief Valves
- H1 Series
- PV Series
Thermal Bypass Valves
- TH Series
Thermoplastic Valves
- LIQUIfit? – Bio-based Ball Valves
- TrueSeal?
- Pump discharge and steam applications
- Booster compressors
- Cooling water
- Air dryers and instrument air lines
- Fuel storage tanks
> Learn more about Snap-tite CPIFF Inline Check Valves
> Learn more about Parker Poppet and Inline Check Valves
CPIFF Series Check Valves (5,000 psi) are soft seat, zero leakage poppet check valves with compact one piece construction. Standard crack pressures are 5, 15, 25, and 65 psi. These valves are available in a wide range of sizes up to 1"", with female fitting ends and flow capacities up to 30 gpm.
Check valves are important components that are often overlooked when building a fluid system. A check valve can optimize system performance in the following ways:
- Ensure hydraulic fluid flows in only one direction
- Eliminate potential damage from back pressure
- Isolate sections of a system or system components
Basic check valve construction consists of a valve body with an inlet and an outlet port. Inside, a moveable poppet valve is controlled by spring pressure. In most cases the valve is normally closed, opening when the fluid pressure is greater than the spring force (crack pressure), thus allowing the fluid to flow in only one direction. When reverse flow attempts to enter though the outlet the poppet closes and flow through the valve is stopped.
Soft seat check valves have an O-ring or similar elastomeric seal between the poppet and body for improved leak resistance. The soft seat design is most compatible with ""clean” systems and is not indented for use in systems that have high surge flow. The seal material dictates the temperature range of the valve.
Technical Characteristics:
- Sizes: 1/4” to 1”
- Materials: Steel, Brass
- Seal Material: Fluorocarbon
- Standard Crack Pressures (psi): 5, 15, 25, and 65
- Port Ends: Female NPSF, Female SAE, Female British Parallel BS 2779
- Optional crack pressures available
- Orificed valve option
- Custom shapes and configurations
Note: Some options may not be standard configurations. Please contact the Quick Coupling Division for availability and delivery.
- Industrial
- Construction
- Agriculture
- Transportation
- Allows the fluid to flow in only one direction, protecting the system from fluid back pressure
- Soft seated valve creates a leak free seal
- Fluorocarbon seal is standard
- Optional crack pressures are available on request
- Optional orificed valve allows metered flow when the valve is closed. Orifice bore size is determined by application requirements.
- Custom shapes and configurations can integrate special features to reduce the number of components and potential leak points in a system
- Industrial, mobile, and construction equipment
- Restrictor Check Circuit
- High/Low Pump Circuit
- Slow Advance/Rapid Return Circuit
- Oil Cooler By-Pass Circuit
- Sequence Circuit
- Pilot Pressure Circuit
- Accumulator Circuit