Murphy PV380-R3显示器: 墨菲标准PowerView(78700708)
PV380-R3显示器:新型墨菲标准PowerView 发动机仪表模块 (78700708)
升级您的 PV-101 坚固耐用的 PV380 具有强大的多功能控制,是 PV101 的完美升级,可提高可用性和先进的发动机监控。但是什么让 PV380 比 PV101 更好。“PV380 具有 PV101 的所有功能,甚至更多,”Enovation Controls 区域销售经理 Adam Johnson 说。PV380 的定制使运营商能够控制他们的解决方案,并以经济的价格向最终用户提供更多数据。”与 PV101 相比,PV380 提供了更大的屏幕和更高的分辨率,可以清晰地显示更多信息。PV380 显示屏还具有五个触觉按钮,3.8 英寸 QVGA 单色 LCD 在阳光直射下易于阅读。PV380 开箱即用,无需计算机即可使用屏幕和按钮设置系统。PV380 可用作基本的发动机监控系统或具有 CAN 和 RS-485 (MODBUS) 通信、8 个内置输入(比 PV101 多 7 个)和 2 个数字输出的机器控制器。该显示屏能够处理复杂的发动机诊断以及基本的发动机报警/停机,为您的系统提供数值和控制。PV380 还支持实时时钟,工作温度范围比 PV101 更大。
Murphy PV380-R3显示器: 墨菲标准PowerView(78700708)
PV380-R3: New Murphy Standard PowerView?. Engine Instrumentation Module. (78700708)

Tier 4/Euro Stage IV 就绪
CAN J1939 通信
Powervision 公告
重要通告 (2/7/2023)
PV380-R3: Murphy Standard PowerView? (78700708)
PV380-R3: New Murphy Standard PowerView?. Engine Instrumentation Module. (78700708)
With robust, multifunction control, the rugged PV380 is the perfect upgrade from a PV101 for improved usability and advanced engine monitoring. But what makes the PV380 better than the PV101.
“The PV380 has all the capabilities of the PV101 and more,” said Adam Johnson, regional sales manager for Enovation Controls. “The customization of the PV380 allows operators to control their solution and provide more data to the end user at an economical price point.”
Compared to the PV101, the PV380 provides a bigger screen with a significantly higher resolution to display more information clearly. The PV380 display also features five tactile buttons and the 3.8-inch QVGA monochrome LCD is easy to read in direct sunlight. The PV380 is customizable right out of the box you to set up your system using the screen and buttons without the need for a computer.
The PV380 can be used as a basic engine monitoring system or a machine controller with CAN and RS-485 (MODBUS) communications, 8 built-in inputs (7 more than the PV101) and 2 digital outputs. Capable of handling sophisticated engine diagnostics as well as basic engine alarm/shutdown, the display provides values and control for your system. The PV380 also includes Real Time Clock support and a greater operating temperature range than the PV101.
For Use on Mechanical & Electronic Engines
Out-of-the-Box Configuration Display
Tier 4/Euro Stage IV Ready
Set Point Alarm and Shut-down Control
CAN J1939 Communications
Supports Multiple Languages
Sales Bulletin
Installation Manual
Operations Manual
Powervision Bulletin
Important Notice (2/7/2023)