Murphy ESP系列压力传感器 ESP/ES2P Series Pressure Senders
Murphy ESP系列温度传感器主要分为:ESP、ES2P和ESDP三大类,各种温度检测范围可供选择。
ESP Series Pressure Senders & ES2P Series Pressure Senders are available in 1-wire-to-ground and 2-wire ungrounded configurations, and take the electric sender to new heights with proven state of the art technology and reliability.

ES2P-100 (05701858) Pressure Sender |
ESP-80 (05701860) Pressure Sender |
ES2P-80 (05701867) Pressure Sender |
ES2P-100 (05701858) Pressure Sender |
ES2PMK-400 (05702565) Pressure Sender |