Ashcroft A-Series Brass Mini Switch
This low cost pressure switch is perfect for OEM applications. The A-Series Brass switch is designed fro tough industrial applications that require a higher quality switch. It has a rugged brass body and a precision snap-acting switch. It can have field adjustable or factory adjusted set points.
A 系列迷你压力开关(标准或防爆)
* 不锈钢或铜合金外壳(环氧树脂或钢化玻璃纤维密封)
* 压力范围:真空~ 5000psi ( -1 ~ 140bar )
* 内置或平嵌膜片
* 工厂或现场调节设定点 |
Ashcroft A-Series Stainless Steel Mini Switch
This pressure switch is perfect for OEM applications that want a lower cost switch as well as the strength and durability of stainless steel. It can come watertight or explosion proof and can withstand more corrosive media. This low cost pressure switch is perfect for OEM applications. The A-Series Brass switch is designed fro tough industrial applications that require a higher quality switch. It has a rugged brass body and a precision snap-acting switch. It can have field adjustable or factory adjusted set points.
Ashcroft B400 Pressure Switch
This is a general purpose pressure switch great for industrial or OEM applications. It comes with a watertight NEMA 4X enclosure and many choices of switch elements. Different wetted materials are available as well as a fixed or limited adjustable deadband. This pressure switch can have ranges as low as Inches of H2O and as high as 3,000 psi.
B 系列开关带 1 个设定点(标准或防爆)— 差压,压力和温度开关
* 通用型设计,活塞和密封膜片的测量机构
* 防护等级 NEMA4,4X,13 , IP54 或 IP66
* 测量范围广泛且回差小,使用寿命长,性能稳定
* 温度开关具有 SAMA (美国科学仪器制造协会)二级蒸汽压力测温系统
* 量程范围
压力:真空~ 3000psi 多级控制
温度: -40 ℉~ 750 ℉( -17.7 ℃~ +400 ℃)多级控制,全量程可调
差压: 30”H2Odiff. ~ 600psid 多级控制
* UL,CSA 和 ATEX 认证
防爆 NEMA7&9 或 EEx d Ⅱ C T6(ATEX), 本安防爆 EEx ia Ⅱ C T4(ATEX) |
Ashcroft G-Series Pressure Switch
The G-Series switch is similar to its B-Series counter part but comes with Stainless Steel casing. This switch is great for hazardous areas as well as food or dairy applications (with 3A connection option). It comes with a watertight NEMA 4X enclosure and many choices of switch elements. Different wetted materials are available as well as a fixed or limited adjustable deadband. This pressure switch can have ranges as low as Inches of H2O and as high as 3,000 psi.
L/G 系列开关带两个设定点(标准)— 压力,差压和温度开关
* 1 设定点固定和可调静区或 2 个单独设定点,微动开关类型 SPDT
* 密封带环氧树脂涂层铝合金外壳或密封不锈钢外壳
* 防护等级 NEMA4 和 4X,IP65 或 IP66
* 量程范围 压力:真空~ 3000psi 多级控制
温度: -40 ℉~ 750 ℉( -17.7 ℃~ +400 ℃)多级控制,全量程可调
差压: 30” H2O diff. ~ 600psid 多级控制
* UL 和 CSA 认证 |
Ashcroft L-Series Pressure Switch
The L-Series switch is great for OEM or industrial applications. It comes with a watertight NEMA 4X enclosure and many choices of switch elements. Different wetted materials are available as well as a fixed or limited adjustable deadband. This pressure switch can have ranges as low as Inches of H2O and as high as 3,000 psi.
L/G 系列开关带两个设定点(标准)— 压力,差压和温度开关
* 1 设定点固定和可调静区或 2 个单独设定点,微动开关类型 SPDT
* 密封带环氧树脂涂层铝合金外壳或密封不锈钢外壳
* 防护等级 NEMA4 和 4X,IP65 或 IP66
* 量程范围 压力:真空~ 3000psi 多级控制
温度: -40 ℉~ 750 ℉( -17.7 ℃~ +400 ℃)多级控制,全量程可调
差压: 30” H2O diff. ~ 600psid 多级控制
* UL 和 CSA 认证 |
Ashcroft B700 Pressure Switch
This is a general purpose pressure switch great for hazardous industrial applications. It comes with an explosion proof enclosure and many choices of switch elements. Different wetted materials are available as well as a fixed or limited adjustable deadband. This pressure switch can have ranges as low as Inches of H2O and as high as 3,000 psi.
Ashcroft F-Series Pressure Switch
The F-Series switch from Ashcroft uses a diaphragm-seals piston actuator for long service. There are multiple choices for wetted materials and pressure connections as well as setpoints adjustable from 15-100% of the range. It has a watertight aluminum body and a hermetically sealed snap-acting switch element.
F 系列紧凑型压力开关(防爆)
* 防爆密封阳极氧化铝外壳,防护等级 NEMA3,4,7&9 , IP66 ;紧凑型便于特殊空间位置的安装
* 标准的密封微动开关盒密封的电气接口防止水汽从电气接口进入到外壳
* 膜片材质 Buna N,Viton , Teflon 或不锈钢
* 量程范围
压力:真空至 4000psi 多级控制
温度: -40 ℉~ 750 ℉( -17.7 ℃~ +400 ℃)多级控制,全量程可调
* UL 和 CSA 认证
Ashcroft N-Series Electronic Explosion Proof Switch
The N-Series is one of a kind to Ashcroft. It uses the Ashcroft K-Series pressure transducer to help minimize moving parts which prolongs the switches life. Pressures are available from 60 all the way to 20,000 psi. The setpoint repeatability of 0.5% is a great feature as well as a adjustable deadbands between 0.1% and 95% of the nominal range.
N 系列电子式压力开关(标准或防爆)
* 选用压力传感器的薄膜应变膜片作为测量元件
* 密封带环氧树脂涂层铝合金外壳,防护等级 NEMA4 ,防爆等级 NEMA7&9
* 压力范围: 60 ~ 20000psi ( 4 ~ 1400bar )
* 继电器输出 SPDT ,设定点和静区可调(静区可在量程的 0.1% 至 95% 内调整)
* 接液材质不锈钢
* 大屏幕显示过程压力,设定点,复位点等参数,易于观察
Ashcroft N-Series Digital Pressure Switch
The N-Series Digital Switch is one of a kind to Ashcroft. Unlike other series, this switch has a point-of-reference digital display to show the pressure. It uses the Ashcroft K-Series pressure transducer to help minimize moving parts which prolongs the switches life. Pressures are available from 60 all the way to 20,000 psi. The setpoint repeatability of 0.5% is a great feature as well as a adjustable deadbands between 0.1% and 95% of the nominal range.
Ashcroft N-Series Explosion Proof Pressure Switch
The N-Series Explosion Proof Switch is one of a kind to Ashcroft. It uses the Ashcroft K-Series pressure transducer to help minimize moving parts which prolongs the switches life. Pressures are available from 60 all the way to 20,000 psi. The setpoint repeatability of 0.5% is a great feature as well as a adjustable deadbands between 0.1% and 95% of the nominal range.
Ashcroft T400 Temperature Switch
This switch from Ashcroft is very easy to use and is great for virtually all process, industrial, and OEM applications. It comes with NEMA 4X enclosure and many choices for switch elements. The setpoints are adjustable from 15-100% of the pressure range. It can have a direct mount with a stem 2 3/4" to 12" long or a remote capillary mounting of up to 25 feet. |
Ashcroft T700 Explosion Proof Temperature Switch
This temperature switch is very similar to its T400 counterpart except it comes with an explosion proof casing. This switch is very easy to use and is great for virtually all process, industrial, and OEM applications. It comes with NEMA 4X enclosure and many choices for switch elements. The setpoints are adjustable from 15-100% of the pressure range. It can have a direct mount with a stem 2 3/4" to 12" long or a remote capillary mounting of up to 25 feet.
Ashcroft G-Series Temperature Switch
The G-Series temperature switch is perfect for harsh or corrosive environment applications. It has a watertight enclosure made of 316SS. The setpoints are adjustable from 15-100% of the pressure range. The switch can only come in a remote mounting of up to 25 feet.
P 系列开关带两个设定点(标准 / 防爆)— 防爆压力,差压和温度开关
* 1 设定点固定和可调静区或 2 个单独设定点
* 密封带环氧树脂涂层铝合金外壳,双腔室设计,接线端子和设定点调节腔室完全隔离
* 防护等级 NEMA4 , 4X ;防爆型 NEMA 7/9 , IP66
* 防爆认证 UL,CSA,ATEX
* 量程范围 压力:真空至 3000psi 多级控制
温度: -40 ℉~ 750 ℉( -17.7 ℃~ +400 ℃)多级控制,全量程可调
差压: 30” H2O diff. ~ 400psid 多级控制