Danfoss authorized distributor
在电气化社会的潜力的推动下,在数字化机遇的推动下,丹佛斯是一种工程技术,可以帮助世界以更少的资源获得更多的收益。凭借深深植根于我们 DNA 的质量、可靠性和创新承诺,我们在我们的业务领域提供广泛的产品和解决方案丹佛斯气候解决方案,丹佛斯传动 和丹佛斯动力解决方案. Driven by the potential of an electrified society, and powered by the opportunities of going digital, Danfoss is engineering technology that helps the world to get much more out of less. With the promise of quality, reliability and innovation deeply rooted in our DNA, we deliver an extensive range of products and solutions across our business segments of Danfoss Climate Solutions, Danfoss Drives and Danfoss Power Solutions.
Danfoss authorized distributor 丹佛斯中国签约经销商 - 流体输送产品 ( 软管、硬管、管接件和连接器产品)。 软管、管道、配件和连接器: 丹佛斯软管和软管接头具有广泛的工作压力范围、优异的耐磨性、持久的耐用性和高性能的传输能力,为世界各地的各种设备和应用提供终极流体输送解决方案,包括车辆、飞机、采矿、食品和饮料以及移动和工业设备。 Danfoss Hose, tubing, fittings and connectors: With wide operating pressure ranges, optimal levels of abrasion resistance, long-lasting durability and high-performance transfer capabilities, Danfoss hoses and hose fittings provide the ultimate fluid conveyance solutions for a variety of equipment and applications around the world, including vehicles, aircraft, mining, food and beverage, and mobile and industrial equipment.

DANFOSS hereby confirm that
CNMEC Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
is authorized as Business Partner of Danfoss Sensing Solutions in China mainland
Authorized product: Danfoss Sensing Solutions
业务合作领域: 北方地区 - 数据中心液冷系统传感器与电磁阀
Cooperation category: North China- sensors and solenoid valves of liquid cooling system in DATA center.
Authorization availability: Oct 17,2022 to Oct 17, 2023