




















Danfoss agrees to acquire Eaton's hydraulics business

2020 年 1 月 21 日,星期二

伊顿董事长兼首席执行官 Craig Arnold 和首席执行官 Kim Fausing 握手


丹佛斯今天宣布已签署协议,以 33 亿美元(约 30 亿欧元)的现金收购价格收购伊顿的液压业务。此次收购完全符合丹佛斯加强其核心业务和提升客户价值的战略。

“今天,我们在打造移动和工业液压领域的全球领导者方面迈出了重要的变革性一步。这是一个千载难逢的机会,可以结合我们在很大程度上互补的投资组合和地理足迹。伊顿液压是全球行业中备受推崇的参与者,以其敬业的员工和强大的品牌而闻名。通过结合两家企业的知识和经验,我们的客户将受益于单一合作伙伴无与伦比的专业知识。通过这项协议,我们将继续投资于我们的核心液压业务和数字解决方案,以保持强大的技术合作伙伴地位,”丹佛斯总裁兼首席执行官 Kim Fausing 说。

“我们相信,作为一家以液压为核心的公司的一部分,伊顿的液压业务将受益匪浅,”伊顿董事长兼首席执行官 Craig Arnold 说。“完成后,这笔交易将汇集两个拥有深厚液压知识和专业知识的才华横溢的团队。伊顿的液压团队将成为一家致力于成为移动和工业液压领域全球领导者的公司的一部分。合并后的业务还将通过提供行业领先的技术和更广泛的液压解决方案组合使客户和分销商受益。”?


伊顿液压为农业、建筑和工业细分市场等市场的客户提供产品。该业务将转移到现有的丹佛斯业务部门丹佛斯动力解决方案,增加约 11,000 名员工,2019 年该业务部门的销售额将达到 22 亿美元(20 亿欧元),这将使液压业务翻一番。丹佛斯如今拥有约 28,000 名员工,2019 年销售额为 70 亿美元(63 亿欧元)。因此,通过此次交易,丹佛斯的规模将扩大三分之一。

“液压是我们的核心,多年来,我们通过高度关注客户以及对技术领先地位的重大投资,加强了我们的动力解决方案业务。我相信我们的客户将受益于将这两项业务合并为一家致力于创新的全系列液压公司,并提供广泛的产品、强大的分销渠道和巨大的地理覆盖范围,”丹佛斯动力解决方案总裁 Eric Alstr?m 说。




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丹佛斯设计先进的技术,使我们能够建设更美好、更智能、更高效的明天。在世界不断发展的城市中,我们确保提供新鲜食物并为我们的家庭和办公室提供最佳舒适度,同时满足对节能基础设施、互联系统和集成可再生能源的需求。我们的解决方案用于制冷、空调、供暖、电机控制和移动机械等领域。我们的创新工程可以追溯到 1933 年,如今,丹佛斯拥有市场领先地位,拥有 28,000 名员工,为 100 多个国家的客户提供服务。我们由创始家族私人持有。


Danfoss agrees to acquire Eaton’s hydraulics business
Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Handshake between Eaton Chairman and CEO, Craig Arnold and CEO, Kim Fausing

Today, Danfoss has entered into an agreement to acquire Eaton’s?Hydraulics business.?The acquisition marks a major milestone in the company’s history and its Going Great strategy.?

Danfoss today announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire Eaton’s Hydraulics business for a cash purchase price of 3.3 billion USD (approximately 3.0 billion EUR). The acquisition is fully in line with Danfoss’ strategy to strengthen its core businesses and enhance customer value.

“Today, we take a significant and transformational step in creating a global leader in mobile and industrial hydraulics. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to combine our largely complementary portfolios and geographic footprints. Eaton Hydraulics is a highly respected player in the global industry, recognized for its dedicated people and strong brands. By combining the knowledge and experience of the two businesses, our customers will benefit from unmatched expertise from a single partner. With this agreement, we continue to invest in our core hydraulics business and digital solutions to stay a strong technology partner,” says Kim Fausing, Danfoss President and CEO.

“We believe Eaton’s Hydraulics business will benefit greatly from being part of a company that has hydraulics at its core,” says Craig Arnold, Eaton Chairman and CEO. “When complete, this deal will bring together two talented teams with deep hydraulics knowledge and expertise.?And Eaton’s hydraulics team will be part of a company that is committed to becoming a global leader in mobile and industrial hydraulics.?The combined business will also benefit customers and distributors by offering industry-leading technology and a much broader portfolio of hydraulic solutions.”?

The Danfoss and Eaton Hydraulics businesses are leaders in the industry and have many organizational similarities, including company culture and a focus on customers, R&D and quality. Both businesses are global with complementary geographic footprints and the combined business creates a broader presence across the world. Furthermore, the acquisition will enable Danfoss to enter the industrial hydraulics market that is served by Eaton Hydraulics.

Eaton Hydraulics provides products for customers in markets such as agriculture, construction, and in industrial market segments. The business will be transferred into the existing Danfoss business segment, Danfoss Power Solutions, adding approximately 11,000 employees and 2019 sales of 2.2 billion USD (2.0 billion EUR) to the business segment, which will double the hydraulics business. Danfoss today has approximately 28,000 employees and 2019 sales of 7.0 billion USD (6.3 billion EUR). Accordingly, with this transaction, Danfoss will increase its size by one-third.

“Hydraulics is our core, and we have for years strengthened our Power Solutions business through high customer focus, as well as through significant investments in technology leadership. I believe our customers will benefit from combining these two businesses into a full-line hydraulics player dedicated to innovation and with a broad offering of products, robust distribution channels and tremendous geographic reach,” says Eric Alstr?m, President of Danfoss Power Solutions.

The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions and regulatory approvals and is expected to close by the end of the year.

This news release contains forward-looking statements about the expected closing of the acquisition. These statements should be used with caution and are subject to various risks and uncertainties, some of which are outside of the company’s control. Factors that could cause these statements to become untrue include possible delay or failure of the satisfaction of all closing conditions.?We do not assume any obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

More information:

Danfoss Media Relations
Phone: +45 70 20 44 88

Danfoss in brief

Danfoss engineers advanced technologies that enable us to build a better, smarter and more efficient tomorrow. In the world’s growing cities, we ensure the supply of fresh food and optimal comfort in our homes and offices, while meeting the need for energy-efficient infrastructure, connected systems and integrated renewable energy. Our solutions are used in such areas as refrigeration, air conditioning, heating, motor control and mobile machinery. Our innovative engineering dates back to 1933 and today, Danfoss holds market-leading positions, employing 28,000 people and serving customers in more than 100 countries. We are privately held by the founding family.




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