Eaton FD15 系列 - 诊断快速断开接头 - 油取样阀
Eaton Aeroquip FD15 series oil sampling valve
Aeroquip FD15 Series Oil Sampling Valve
FD15 Series Oil Sampling Valve
伊顿的 FD15 系列油取样阀设计用于系统流体的在线取样,而无需系统关闭(通常在不到一分钟的时间内),并且没有流体污染。 FD15 Oil Sampling Valve:In-line sampling of system fluids is made without system shutdown, usually in less than one minute, and without fluid contamination.Application:Engine oil, lubricating oil, transmission fluid and hydraulic fluids in mobile construction equipment, military vehicles, trucks and stationary equipment.For best results, Eaton FD15 Oil Sampling Valves should be installed in dynamic fluid lines in low pressure and return lines. If only one sampling point can be chosen, it should be in the return line, upstream of any return line filter. This will insure a representative sample of all components in the fluid system for their present condition.Construction:Corrosion resistant plated steel with brass internal components and Buna-N seal.
Eaton Aeroquip FD15 series oil sampling valve Eaton FD15 系列 - 诊断快速断开接头 - 油取样阀
Eaton Aeroquip FD15 series oil sampling valve
- 机油
- 润滑油
- 移动建筑设备、军用车辆、卡车和固定设备中的传动液和液压油
- 工作温度范围:-65°F 至 +275°F(-53°C 至 +135°C)
- 最小爆破压力:12,000 psi
- 最小粒子限制:500 微米
- 最大操作扭矩:10 英寸磅。
- FD15-1000-04 符合 MIL-V-81940/2-1
Operation: 为获得最佳效果,伊顿 FD15 油取样阀应安装在低压和回油管路的动态流体管路中。如果只能选择一个采样点,它应该在回油管中,任何回油管过滤器的上游。这将确保流体系统中所有组件的当前状况的代表性样本。
1. 拆下排料口的金属防尘罩。
2. 将滚花旋钮向右旋转 1/4 圈,排放大约 200 毫升的油至冲洗阀。以适当的方式处理此样品。
3. 将干净的油样瓶放在排放口下方。(样品瓶通常由油分析实验室提供。)
4. 将滚花旋钮向右转动 1/4 圈,直到瓶子填充到所需的水平。旋钮可以后退以节流流速。
5. 瓶子装满后松开滚花旋钮,阀门将自动关闭。更换金属防尘盖扳手,拧紧。
根据 MIL-V-81940/2-1 的要求,在 0-50 psi 的压力下,该阀的流量在 100 到 1500 毫升/分钟之间。(MIL-V-81940/2-1 仅适用于 50-300 psi 的压力。)
1/4" NPTF 版本符合 MIL-V-81940/2-1 标准,其性能代表上面列出的其他进气口配置。QPL-81940-96-5-89
Operating Temperature Range: -65oF to +275oF
Minimum Burst Pressure:1200 psi
Minimum Particle Restriction:500 microns
Maximum Torque to Operate:10 in. lbs.
Note: This valve IS NOT intended for aerospace applications.
Part Number Buna-N |
Male Thread |
Sampling Type |
Coupling Type |
FD15-1000-02 |
1/8-27 NPT |
50-300psi |
Socket |
FD15-1000-04 |
1/4-18 NPT |
50-300psi |
Socket |
FD15-1002-04 |
7/16-20 SAE O-Ring |
50-300psi |
Socket |
FD15-1026-04 |
1/4-18 NPT |
0-50psi |
Socket |
FD15-1025-04 |
7/16-20 SAE O-Ring |
0-50psi |
Socket |

Item #
FD15-1000-02 1/8-27 2.42 1.00 1.30 .69 inches .38 inches N/A BUNA-N MALE PIPE THREAD 50-300 PSI
FD15-1000-04 1/4-18 2.56 1.00 1.30 .69 inches .38 inches N/A BUNA-N MALE PIPE THREAD 50-300 PSI
FD15-1002-04 7/16-20 2.79 1.00 1.30 .69 inches .38 inches .56 inches BUNA-N MALE SAE O-RING THREAD 50-300 PSI
FD15-1026-04 1/4-18 2.56 1.00 1.30 .69 inches .38 inches N/A BUNA-N MALE PIPE THREAD 0-50 PSI
FD15-1025-04 7/16-20 2.79 1.00 1.30 .69 inches .38 inches .56 inches BUNA-N MALE SAE O-RING THREAD 0-50 PSI