OPW 2173AVN | OPW 2173AVN油气回收型干式快换接头
OPW 2173AVN油气回收型干式快换接头能够为顶部底部装卸的槽车提供方便的油气回收方法。 OPW 2173AVN可安装在槽车上的QRB阀门上,其所提供的不漏液联接方式在发生翻车的情况下可将危险液体紧急抽空。The OPW 2173AVN Vapor Recovery Dry Disconnect Coupling provides easy access in recovering vapors for either top or bottom loading/unloading tank truck operations. The OPW 2173AVN installs onto the QRB valve on tank trailers and can provide a dry disconnect connection for emergency evacuation of hazardous liquids in the case of a roll-over.OPW 2173AVN油气回收型干式快换接头能够为顶部或者底部装卸的槽车提供方便的油气回收方法。OPW2173AVN可安装在槽车的QRB阀门上,其所提供的不漏液联接方式在发生翻车的情况下可将危险性液体紧急抽空。

OPW 2173AVN蒸汽回收干式分离联轴器为顶部或底部装载/卸载油罐车操作提供了回收蒸汽的便捷通道。OPW 2173AVN安装在油罐挂车的QRB阀上,可以提供干式断开连接,以便在翻车时紧急撤离危险液体。
OPW 2173AVN油气回收型干式快换接头优点
- 闭路保护—在联接/脱卸过程中气相和液相的可靠密封,为操作人员和环境提供充分保护。专为具有较高蒸汽压、易于快速气化的VOC(挥发性有机化合物)物料的用途而设计。能将易挥发物料封闭在管线中,从而减少VOC物料输送过程中的油气损失
- 翻车保护—其低型面设计使联接管件处在低于翻车平面的水平上,从而在发生翻车时将破坏降低到低限度。符合IMO的型面尺寸要求
- 便于紧急抽空—提供的不漏液联接方式在发生翻车的情况下可将危险性液体紧急抽空
- 清洗快捷方便—其设计结构便于拆卸,以方便定期进行的清洗工作
OPW 2173AVN油气回收型干式快换接头特性
- 油气软管联接—2”(DN50)Kamvalok干式快换阴端接头或D2000带操纵杆的干式快换阳端接头
- 无须改装槽车—可以很方便地连接到原有的MC307、DOT407、MC312、和DOT412槽车拖车上
- 3”(DN80)直螺纹安装—与2”(DN50)干式快换接头的凸轮/滑槽联接构件一起,形成与ORB阀门配合使用的3”*2”(DN80* DN50)接续装置
2173AVN Series Vapor Recovery Fitting
The OPW 2173AVN Vapor Recovery Dry Disconnect Coupling provides easy access in recovering vapors for either top or bottom loading/unloading tank truck operations. The OPW 2173AVN installs onto the QRB valve on tank trailers and can provide a dry disconnect connection for emergency evacuation of hazardous liquids in the case of a roll-over.
Vapor Hose Connection – 2” Kamvalok? Dry Disconnect or D2000? Actuating Couplers
No trailer modifications required – Easy attachment to existing MC307, DOT407, MC312, and DOT412 trailers
3” straight thread mounting with 2” Kamvalok? dry disconnect cam and groove connection makes the ideal 3” x 2” adaptor for QRB valves
Can replace existing Clean-Out Caps for Closed Loop System
Closed-Loop Protection – Helps protect people and the environment by providing a vapor and liquid tight seal during the connection/disconnection process specifically designed to contain VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) products that have high vapor pressure that evaporates quickly. Contains fugitive emissions and transfers VOCs without vapor loss.
Roll-Over Safety – Low profile design keeps the fitting below roll-over plane to minimize damage in the event of a roll-over. Meets IMO profile dimensions.
Easy Emergency Evacuation – Provides a dry disconnect connection for emergency evacuation of hazardous liquids in case of roll-over
Quick and Easy Cleaning – Designed for easy disassembly for routine cleaning