
Civacon Tank Truck Equipment
Civacon专注于产品和系统,可安全地装载,监控和卸载用于公路和铁路行业的石油,干散货和石化货油舱。50 多年来,在涉及危险性液体的安全操作和运输的领域内, CIVACON 生产的槽罐车和运输用组件 / 系统一直以其可靠性、耐用性和优异的性能而著称于世。本公司生产的组合人孔盖、顺序式油气回收阀、防溢流检测设备海底阀灌装和卸载组件以及以 System 3 为商标的整装槽车系统都是主要的槽罐车和运输设备装备厂商在为保护人身安全和环境防止石油和化学品泄漏、槽车。满溢和挥发性气体排放时所首先考虑的产品。我们所提供的创新型、模块式复管和气动控制系统更加强了燃油运输供货过程的赢利性、精确性和简便性。 Civacon 品牌是性能可靠、品质优异、兼容并蓄、无需担忧的代名词和标准。 在全球范围内,Civacon设备都在努力工作,以防止代价高昂的石油和化学物泄漏,储罐过度填充和逃逸的蒸气排放。无论您是需要码头装卸架,还是配备一队油轮或有轨车,Civacon系统都能为最严格和最苛刻的应用中的实际性能设定标准。如果您担心危险液体和干散货的安全,有利可图的处理,请相信Civacon。
Civacon safely load, monitor and unload petroleum, dry bulk and petro chemical cargo tanks, for the road and rail industries. Vapor Recovery and Overfill Detection Systems for the petroleum industry。



ALVN石油井盖 |
自动温度 |
甘蔗探针 |
数字量规 |
345系列蝶阀 |
非压力检修孔16” 20” 24” 30”
LJ 10”泄压填充盖
焊接环 |
在固体散装运输用的产品如手孔、人孔、舱盖、灌装口盖板、压力 / 真空舱门、阀门、焊接圈等方面, Knappco 产品是保证危险性散装在操作和运输中处于安全封装状态的首选品牌。 Knappco 产品都经过精密的设计和制造,能符合范围宽广的行业和应用领域内的需求。 50 多年来,散装粉料槽罐的装配厂商始终信赖 Knappco 品牌。
Civacon / Knappco / Sure Seal specializes in products and systems to safely load, monitor and unload petroleum, dry bulk and petro chemical cargo tanks, for the road and rail industries. We are a global leader in providing Bottom Loading, Vapor Recovery and Overfill Dectection Systems for the petroleum industry. A world class provider of Pressure Discharge and Vacuum Loading Systems for Rail & Road Dry Bulk. As well as, Pressure/Vacuum Relief and Safety Access/Insepection equipment for the Agriculture and Industrial Storage Tank Industry. Whether your need is at the terminal loading rack, or outfitting a fleet of tankers or rail cars, our systems set the standard for real-world performance in the most rigorous and demanding applications. If the safe, profitable handling of hazardous liquids and dry-bulk commodities is your concern, trust Civacon.
- Civacon Products Civacon tank truck and transporting components and systems
Civacon真空释放阀 476SA, 489
Civacon 6400系列水平灌装阀
Civacon 8580系列自诊断式光学-热感应装车控制系统
Civacon 8460光-热控制器
Civacon 8460SRC光学-热感应 Scully系列可更换机架
Civacon 8030系列接地确认控制器
Civacon 891BA,891NB泄油阀
Civacon专业产品用于石油,化工,干散货箱,有助于防止泄漏,满溢和逃逸排放:接入端口,沙井,焊环,舱口盖,填充盖,旋启式止回阀,高压真空舱口,泄压阀,蒸汽阀,底部装载设备,运输肘部,溢出检测设备,蒸汽回收适配器。在固体散装运输用的产品如手孔、人孔、舱盖、灌装口盖板、压力 / 真空舱门、阀门、焊接圈等方面, Knappco 产品是保证危险性散装在操作和运输中处于安全封装状态的首选品牌。 Knappco 产品都经过精密的设计和制造,能符合范围宽广的行业和应用领域内的需求。 50 多年来,散装粉料槽罐的装配厂商始终信赖 Knappco 品牌。 Civacon / Knappco / Sure Seal specializes in products and systems to safely load, monitor and unload petroleum, dry bulk and petro chemical cargo tanks, for the road and rail industries. We are a global leader in providing Bottom Loading, Vapor Recovery and Overfill Dectection Systems for the petroleum industry. A world class provider of Pressure Discharge and Vacuum Loading Systems for Rail & Road Dry Bulk. As well as, Pressure/Vacuum Relief and Safety Access/Insepection equipment for the Agriculture and Industrial Storage Tank Industry. Whether your need is at the terminal loading rack, or outfitting a fleet of tankers or rail cars, our systems set the standard for real-world performance in the most rigorous and demanding applications. If the safe, profitable handling of hazardous liquids and dry-bulk commodities is your concern, trust Civacon.
CIVACON 8130 型光学防溢流及静电接地检测器
Civacon旁路单元 BCU-2 选配件
Civacon装车监视器测试仪 1386IM 测试8130
Civacon 1386IM 测试仪
Civacon真空释放阀 476SA, 489
Civacon 6400系列水平灌装阀
Civacon 8580系列自诊断式光学-热感应装车控制系统
Civacon 8460光-热控制器
Civacon 8460SRC光学-热感应 Scully系列可更换机架
Civacon 8030系列接地确认控制器
Civacon 891BA,891NB泄油阀
OPW 真空释放阀
Model 476SA – Aluminum with stainless steel internals, fluorocarbon seal, ? MNPT , OPW Model 476SA-0150
Model 489 – 30 Stainless Steel construction, metal seat, MNPT, available in ?” (OPW Model 489-0050) and 1” (OPW model 489-0060)
- OPW灌装阀 : OPW 6500 series angle loading valve | OPW 6400 Series Horizontal Valve
- OPW装车台监控设备
- OPW Civacon 8580系列自诊断式光学-热感应装车控制系统
- OPW Civacon 8460系列光学-热感应溢流检测系统
- OPW Civacon 光学-热感应Scully系列可更换机架
- OPW Civacon 8300系列热感应装车控制器
- OPW Civacon 8130系列光学装车控制器
- Civacon 8030 Ground Verification Monitor , 8030系列接地确认控制器
- CIVACON 8460SRC 光学-热感应Scully系列可更换机架
- CIVACON Automatic Switching Scully Replacement Chassis Model 8460SRC
8460SRC Replacmenet Chassis for Scully ST-6 And Biclops Monitors - H52332PA
Civacon Model 1386 Opti-Therm Rack Tester IOM - H52403PA
Civacon 85XX Rack Monitor System and Associated Eqpt IOM - H52433PA
Civacon 8130 Optic Rack Monitor System and Associated Eqpt IOM - H52496PA
Civacon 8030 Ground Verification Rack Monitor System and Associated Eqpt IOM - H52497PA
- OPW 杆式探头CIVACON Cane Probe
- Civacon Plug & Cord Set插头和导线组件
- OPW 阀门执行机构 Midland阀门执行机构Midland Valve Actuators
Civacon 763/764/765/766系列
Civacon真空释放阀 476SA, 489
Civacon 6400系列水平灌装阀
Civacon 8580系列自诊断式光学-热感应装车控制系统
Civacon 8460光-热控制器
Civacon 8460SRC光学-热感应 Scully系列可更换机架
Civacon 8030系列接地确认控制器
Civacon 891BA,891NB泄油阀
CivaStar 高级溢出传感器
16" & 20" Manholes
Vapor Vents
Vapor Recovery Adaptors
Internal Valves
Bottom Loading Adapters, Gravity Couplers, & Dust Caps
On Truck Overfill Systems
On Board Monitors
Test Equipment
Civacon Control Box
611 Series Vapor Recovery Adaptors
633LVB Vapor Adaptor
1711T Vapor Dust Cap
633LVB 4" TTMA High Flow Vapor Adaptor w/Sight Glass
633LVB-301 4" TTMA High Flow Vapor Adaptor w/Sight Glass
611F 4"x4" Vapor Recovery Adaptor Flanged
610F 4"x4" Vapor Recovery Adaptor Flanged w/o Poppet
611FB 4"x 4" Vapor Recovery Adaptor Flanged w/Sight Glass
610FB 4"x 4" Vapor Recovery Adaptor Flanged w/Sight Flanged No Poppet
611T-AL40-NPT 4" x 4" Vapor Recovery Adaptor NPT Threads
610T Vapor Recovery Adaptor
TM100 Wireless Temperature Monitoring System Includes In-Cab Unit and Temperature Sender
TM101 Wireless Temperature Monitoring System Includes In-Cab Unit, Temperature Sender and Printer
TM110 Wireless Temperature Closed-Loop Control System Includes In-Cab Unit,Temperature Sender Valve and Valve Controller
TM111 Wireless Temperature Closed-Loop Control System Includes In-Cab Unit,Temperature Sender Valve and Valve Controller w/Printer
ROMLink? Sockets
Single API Sockets Optic and Thermistor
Opti-Link Sockets
Dual API Sockets
GS Series Saf-T Ground
API Adaptors
875C Dust Cap
Gravity Couplers 871 Series
Gravity Couplers 876C Series
876C-AL4030 3" Male Cam & Groove Outlet, Single Cam, Nitrile
876CV-AL4030 3" Male Cam & Groove Outlet, Single Cam, Viton
876C-AL40 4" Male & Groove Outlet,Single Cam, Nitrile
876CV-AL40 4" Cam & Groove Outlet, Single Cam Viton
876C-W058 3" Male Cam & Groove Outlet, Single Cam Nitrile
876CV-W058 3" Male Cam & Groove Outlet, Single Cam Viton
876C-W059 4" Cam & Groove Outlet, Single Cam & Cap, Nitrile
876CV-W059 4" Male Cam & Groove Outlet, Single Cam & Cap Viton
871A-AL40 API Gravity Coupler w/4" Male Kam & Groove Outlet
871A-AL4030 API Gravity Coupler w/3" Male Kam & Groove Outlet
871B-AL40 API Gravity Coupler w/4" Female Kam & Groove Outlet
871ED-AL40 Openable API Gravity Coupler w/4" Female NPT Outlet
871EDK-AL40 Openable API Gravity Coupler w/4" Female NPT Outlet Kalrez Gasket
875C API Dust Cap (Buna-N)
875CV API Dust Cap Viton
891BA Openable API Adaptor w/Aluminum Handle and Sight Glass
891A Openable API Adaptor w/Aluminum Handle
891NB Non-Openable API Adaptor w/Sight Glass
891N Non-Openable API Adaptor
891BA-LK Openable API Adaptor w/Aluminum Handle, Sight Glass & Pnuematic Lock
API Adaptors
861HRK-ALUM - Handle Repair Kit for 861 Series API Adaptor
861ORK - O-Ring Repair Kit for 861 Series API Adaptor
891BRK - Sight Glass Repair Kit 891& 861 Series API Adaptors
891HRK - Handle Repair Kit for 891 Series API Adaptor
891ORK - O-Ring Repair Kit for 891 Series API Adaptor
891SRK - Shaft Repair Kit for 891 Series API Adaptor
11345M - Blank-Off Kit for Sight Glass
API Bottom Loading Adaptor Brochure
API Lock Assembly Brochure
API Bottom Loading Adaptor Part Drawings
891BA Openable API Adaptor w/Aluminum Handle and Sight Glass
891A Openable API Adaptor w/Aluminum Handle
891NB Non-Openable API Adaptor w/Sight Glass
891N Non-Openable API Adaptor
891BA-LK Openable API Adaptor w/Aluminum Handle, Sight Glass & Pnuematic Lock
API Installation Maintenance Manual
891HRK-RM Handle Repair Kit Installation Maintenance Manual
Rack Monitors
Plugs & Cords
Junction Boxes
Optic Cane Probes
Rack Monitors
Plugs & Cords
Junction Boxes
Optic Cane Probes
7500-7500 Junction Box Optic & Thermistor Ground Verification Plug & Cord Sets
7510T-7510 Junction Box 13-Pin Socket for Breakaway Thermistor Plug & Cord Sets
7520-7520 Junction Box with Deadman Switch Assembly
7540-7540 Junction Box 7-Pin Socket for Cane Probes or Breakaway Optic Plug & Cord Set
7540-8X30 Junction Box 7-Pin Socket for Breakaway Optic Plug & Cord Sets
7560-7560 Junction Box with Bypass Connection for 8150 Optic Rack Monitor
Optic Plug & Cords 7100-7100, Optic plug with 30’ 10-conductor coiled cord
7120-7120, Optic plug with 30’ 10-conductor coiled cord and 7-pin breakaway plug
7100SR-7100, Optic plug with 30’ 6-conductor blue coiled cord for Scully replacement
7120SR-7120, Optic plug with 30’ 6-conductor blue coiled cord for Scully replacement and 7-pin breakaway plug
7190S-0020, 7100-7100 Optic plug with 30’ coiled cord and 7500-7500 junction box
7120-7120 Optic Breakaway Plug with 30’ coiled cord and 7540-7540 breakaway junction box
Thermistor Plug & Cords 7300-7300, Thermistor plug with 30’ 10-conductor coiled cord
7300C-7300, Thermistor plug with 30’ 10-conductor coiled cord, CANADA ONLY
7300SR-7300, Thermistor plug with 30’ 10-conductor coiled cord for Scully replacement
7320-7320, Thermistor plug with 30’ 10-conductor coiled cord and 13-pin breakaway plug
7320SR-7320, Thermistor plug with 30’ 10-conductor coiled cord for Scully replacement and 13-pin breakaway plug
7390S-0020, 7300-7300 Thermistor Plug with 30’ 10-conductor coiled cord and 7500-7500 Junction box
7320-7320 Thermistor Breakaway Plug with 30’ 10-conductor coiled cord, 13-pin breakaway plug and 7510T-7510 Junction box
7320SR-7320 Thermistor Breakaway Plug with 30’ 10-conductor coiled cord for Scully replacement, 13-pin breakaway plug and 7510T-7510 Junction box
Plug & Cord Junction Boxes and Deadman Switch 7500-7500, Junction Box for Optic, Thermistor and Ground verification Plug & Cord Sets (Non-Breakaway)
7540-7540, Junction Box with 7-pin socket for Cane Probes or Breakaway Optic Plug & Cord Sets
7510T-7510, Junction Box with 13-pin socket for Breakaway Thermistor Plug & Cord Sets
Model 8360 Thermistor Rack Monitor
Optic Rack Monitor Model 8130 for Bottom & Top Loading
Opti-Therm Rack Monitor (Models 8460/8580) for Bottom Loading
Ground Verification Monitor Model 8030 for Grounding Only Applications
Automatic Switching Scully Replacement Chassis Model 8460SRC
Pressure Manholes 20”
Non-Pressure Manholes 16” 20” 24” 30”
Non-Pressure Fill Covers and Access Ports
LJ 10” Pressure Relieving Fill Covers
Pressure Vacuum Tank Hatch Covers
Weld Rings
HA 8" Pressure/Vacuum Tank Hatch
HC 20" Pressure/Vacuum Tank Hatch
HH 24" Pressure/Vacuum Tank Hatch
LH 6” Non-Pressure Fill Covers
LA 8” Non-Pressure Fill Covers
LW 8” Non-Pressure Fill Covers
LB 10” Non-Pressure Fill Covers
LS 12” Non-Pressure Fill Covers
KA 16” Non-Pressure Manhole Covers
KB 20” Non-Pressure Manhole Covers
KF 16” Non-Pressure Manhole Covers
KG 20” Non-Pressure Manhole Covers
LD 16” Non-Pressure Manhole Covers
LE 20” Non-Pressure Manhole Covers
LT 30” Non-Pressure Manhole Covers
KM 20” Non-Pressure Manhole Cover
KN 24” Non-Pressure Manhole Cover
KS 20” Pressure Manhole Covers up to 12psi
MJ 20” Pressure Manhole Covers up to 18PSI
MZ 20” Pressure Manhole Covers up to 25PSI
Rail Car Manhole Covers
Weld Rings
3” Aluminum Swing Check Valve
Dry Bulk Manholes
3” Aluminum Swing Check Valves
Butterfly Valves - Resilient Seated
Hopper Tees
Pipe Couplers
Aeration Systems
Relief Valves
Spring Return and Double Acting Air Operated Actuator
Digital Gauge
ROMLink? Overfill Probes
ROM 2 Wire Overfill Probes
Opti-Link Overfill Probes
Quick Start Overfill Probes
5 Wire Overfill Probes
ROMLink? Onboard Monitors
ROM II Onboard Monitors
ROMLink? "Plug-N-Load" Tank Trailer and Tank Truck Systems
ROM II 2 Wire Overfill and Retain Systems
Opti-Link Plug-N-Load Overfill Systems
5 Wire Optic Overfill System
ROM II 2 Wire Overfill Systems
3467 Aluminum Weld Ring Assembly 6x14
3512 Steel Weld Ring Assembly 6x3/16
Civacon's 633 CPP Vapor Coupler
633CPP-4030 4"x 3" Vapor Kamlok Coupler w/Poppet
633CPP-4040 4"x 4" Vapor Kamlok Coupler w/Poppet
633CV-AL4030 4"x 3" Vapor Kamlok Coupler w/o Poppet
633CV-AL4040 4"x 4" Vapor Kamlok Coupler w/o Poppet
Air Controls
Manifold Systems
Product Delivery and Vapor Recovery Elbows
Civacon Control Box
Wet / Dry Valve
Hybrid Butterfly Valve